Potash ?


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Mar 24, 2004
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Does anyone know if the Mount Potash Trail has been tramped out since the last storms. I'm ready to wind down a little and thought I might try it.
I haven't been there but I'd bet they are ... more remote trails than that have long been broken out ... and Potash is a fairly popular destination.
Mt Potash Trail actually had a foot of powder over a previously packed trail when I hiked it on Saturday, the 19th. I passed a family on the way, then came upon a Boy Scout Troop. When I passed them I realized they were breaking trail; then I was breaking trail. Anyway, a beautiful trail on a beautiful day. Crossing the Downes Brook was no issue; the snow over the brook was about three feet deep.
So on Saturday, at least twenty people snowshoed it. Sunday, there were probably more.