Pound the Presis 6/17/06


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nice video!!

looks like you all had an awesome day!!!!

i'm very jealous, i was stuck at my brother's wedding, however, i made sure i spent the entire day at the beach while the other bridesmaides were getting their hair and makeup done!

i did think about you guys when i was roasting on the beach tho!

GREAT video! VERY entertaining!
Good to see everyone (and meet many new folks!), and glad to do my small part. Big thumbs up to all who hiked. I patrolled the "bail-out" trailheads but only saw 2 hikers all day, both of whom were planning to end on that trail (i.e. not traversing). It is a testament to the hiking abilities that VFTT helps to foster to have so many go so many miles. Well done!

BTW, my Dad is doing better adn was released from the hospital yesterday. I drove my folks back to Jefferson after a somewhat stressful day (what are the odds that a medical supply company moves one day before you need them, and their phones are out, AND the Post Office informs you that it is against the law for them to provide a new address unless they know it personally. WTF?). I did then have the added fun of driving down in some beautiful T-Storms that didn't let up until Concord.

In any event, thank you all for helping me out with unpacking and packing (particularly Seeker!), and your overall concern for my safety. I made it back fine. Now off to {physical therapy...)
I just have to say that you folks impress the heck out of me! Pretty neat to see the hikers rolling in over the course of the evening after a big day. Kudos to all the organizers!

GREAT to meet some new folks and see everyone, especially Gathering buddies Chris B, Bubba and of course, Sherpa K out and about. Glad to hear your Dad's doing better.

What a great community!
Enough medical mayhem with the Kroto's, hope your dad & you continue recovering & remember the Doc's are practicing medicine so keep doing the rehab & you'll get all the way up Ammo next time. (or the time after that, okay maybe Willard first & then some easier 4K's when you're ready for hiking rehab! :D :D :D :D )
Great time had by all. I'm glad I caught you guys up on Pierce. It worked out perfectly for me; I was afraid I had missed the bulk of you and I didn't have to hike all the way to Eisenhower. :) It was great to meet old and new friends, and have some excellent time in the mountains.

Amazing work by all the hikers, organizers, and support crews. Logistically alone this was a huge undertaking, but everything came together just fine. Plus, we did good for TBTS.

Congrats to all!

-Chicken Boy-
I missed the Ice Cream Chicken? That clucks :mad:

Started up from Appalachia a bit after 4:30. Had a quiet climb up to the hut where I gave the croo a warning of the impending onslaught. I refilled my water (3 liters sucked down already), had a snack and lathered on the sunscreen. I met up with Jay and Giggy on Adams. Hiked with (behind ;) ) them between there an Jeff. We crossed paths with Sherpa John and Hans. We all took a short break at the summit of Jeff and shared some of Mtnmama's 7 Layer Bars (Hey Giggy next time I'll bring something without nuts :D ).

After leaving Jeff I was soon alone as the others dissappeared into the distance. It was still early and I had already been above treeline for well over an hour. Climbing out of the col towards Clay I realized that it would be a hot day even on the high peaks. I met a Peak Bagger bearing Snickers. Thanks!

Just before the climb up Washington I was greeted by Mtnmagic, SilentCal and SonicBoom. They were passing out water. Thanks for carrying those heavy packs for us :cool: I took a vitamin water and downed it like I hadn't drank all day. Skiguy came by with three boxes of Alligator Eggs from the Double D Lounge. This was not a typical hike. We were joined by 4000er, Gojeb and another hiker whose name escapes me (and who hiked with me from there most of the way to the summit). On the way up I was passed by Chomp. I guess he had to pass just about everybody at some point. :D

I approached the rail crossing in time to be within 50ft of the train. Perfect opportunity :D except that several small children were in the immediate area :eek: Some other time.

The summit was like a small city. People everywhere. Got some quizzical looks as I stretched in the corner of the cafeteria. I reloaded on fluids, had a snack, treated a blister, and got ready to head out. Abster and the gang were having lunch, so I stopped to chat briefly. They all looked pretty chipper for all the miles they had behind them.

Up to this point I felt very good. As I descended towards Lakes I started to run out of steam. My feet were sore and my legs started to lose their normal spring. I decided to bail at Ammo. I was concerned about being fatigued and making a careless mistake. At the junction of the Westside Trail I met Bubba and Daxs.

Outside the hut I was resting on a bench preparing for the last three miles of my day. Hikeramiga and Hikerfast came around the corner from the Ammo. Hikerfast gave me some Fillet Mignon. I'm serious!!! This guy knows how to live on the trail.

I limped down Ammo sitting and sliding in places I normally would just walk. When I reached the Gem Pool I took off the boots and soaked my feet. Then I soaked them some more. My body was spent, but the smile was there to stay. Mtnmagic and SonicBoom caught me shortly thereafeter and we hiked out together.
Awesome reports and pictures everyone….what an amazing weekend. :D :D It was great to meet new friends and see some familiar faces.

Huge thanks to everyone – for the wonderful company and motivation on the trails, the fabulous weather (Bubba you really came through), the enthusiastic support crews. It was fun to fly the prayer flags and pass around wine to toast everyone’s achievements before heading down for the final descent from Pierce. Paradox, too bad we didn’t get to celebrate your 48th but I’m so glad we decided not to do the final Webster/Jackson section after seeing Chomp when he came off the end of the trail.

Many, many, many thanks to Jay for making the event possible.

Special thanks also to all who distributed snacks, water and treats along the trail - those surprises were great pick me ups. And to everyone who contributed to the camp comforts, who provided shuttles back to cars and CMR, and to all those who made donations to TBTS.

SherpaK it was great to see you out and about. Thanks for so providing a crucial support making the rounds of the bailout points even though you didn’t get many rewards. I’m not sure I would have attempted this without knowing the bailout options were there.

I had a terrific time - I’m still riding on the high even after two long days back at work.

It was a great hike. SO much better than last year with all the rain. King Tut, Bubba and I did moon the cog! I've never done something like that before. I had an adrenaline rush after the mooning that kept me going all the way to the Lake Hut. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends. Especially, Paul_the_ Explorer. I was tired and hungry after the hike. The dinner spread that Paul and his group let us partake of was most excellent. Thanks to JayH for organizing the event. Giggy for the taxi service. MtnPa and Ma for the coffee at 3am. It was sooo good. Skiguy, Mtn Magic (I hope Ghost dog's ear is better) and gang for the donuts and conversation along the way, Peakbagger (NH) for the snickers, Dave for the ice cream and ice cubes. I've never appreciated ice before like I did on Saturday. I took pictures but they are not ready for posting. I think Spongbob's arm is almost every picture and so I need to get busy with photoshop. :mad:
Hey y'all.......
Just arrived home last night after the hike and 4 days of work up in the 'Great North Woods'....what a weekend!
Though I prefer the comforts of sleeping in a bed, a flush/Clivus toilet and hot/cold running water, I must say it sounds as if I missed a lot of the commaraderie by not staying at the campground....

This hike was the most strenuous I've ever done.....I was surprised (but not especially disappointed) that it took me so long to finish--16.5 goshdarnfriggin hours--and I didn't even get to meet Dave Metsky!!! I did get to spend time with Frytz which was a treat and enjoyed meeting DoubleBow....we hiked together for a number of hours until they surged ahead...For the entire route I had Rocksandrolls as my constant companion and I can't imagine a better partner....we finally finished at around 10PM...someone needs to change the Crawford Path Trail mileage from 3.1 to 6.2 miles...we thought it would never end....it was the first time all day that I used my poles...we did the majority of it with headlamps and I imagined a boogey manwomanperson behind me the whole time which helped my momentum....
I may come across as a tough butt on this forum, but really I am a big moosh inside....I am getting teary eyed just thinking of meeting all of you and our accomplishments of the day....we've done a great thing and raised money for a worthy cause....as for you guys, I could fall in love with each and every one of you or at least be your very loving protective mama....I flunked out of lesbian (beener) school because I love men so much--oh well, we all have a flaw or two......as for you gals, meh, I like you too....
Thank you to each and every person who had anything to do with the logistics of this undertaking....I'm proud to be part of this spectacularly wonderful group!!

PS God bless you Bubba!!
Yeah, staying at CMR along with a dozen or so dead tired hikers is always fun! We even had site #3 so those that really wanted to crash could. Of course, saturday night, I could set up a tent in Times Square NYC and would still have slept like a log! One of the best things of the gatherings is the camp time and that is always fun. It sure is a good way to get to know other VfTTrs beyond the common love of hiking.


Sorry I missed you. I heard that you showed up at the campsite for 5 minutes but I must have been by the grills. Glad you made it. Next time we'll meet.

Jade... I'm crying with a smile on my face!! :D

I was wondering what actually happened to you guys. RnR's was a tropper to stay together with -- it certainly makes it easier on the brain and body!! That had to be a slog all the way out -- hey experienced hikers all know how long the final out is!! Just get me the F*@# of this trail. (On the right trail, hearing car traffic can be a wonderful thing at the end of a long day... especially after "thinking" you heard it for the last 45 minutes!!)

Keep up the faith in all of us!! Glad we got to meet up. Next time, by ALL means, the community camp is the real treat. It's a fine group with a hiking problem!!
Paradox, et. al. Do you mind if I send the following picture:


To TBS, they asked me if I could send them a picture from the event and I think that is a nice one from Pierce with the prayer flags behind...

Is that the full size 800x600 or is that reduced? If that is the natural size of the image, I can download it, otherwise, can you email it to me at [email protected]...

If anybody in that picture has objections, let me know, I will send them user names only..

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Hats off to Jade and RocksnRolls. They were the last ones to make their way to our little aid station south of the Mt Clay southern junction. It took determination and a really positive attitude to finish what they started. All the training that they had done the previous two months was great to partake in. Thanks for inviting me for those trips. You guys rock!
Haha! I came on line to say thank you to Silentcal for setting up the water station between Clay and Washington (I know there were others involved too, but they weren't there by the time I arrived--thank you!)....Coming down Clay on my own, I could see a number of folks gathered in the distance and began thinking 'I hope that's Silentcal'...so you see, wishes really do come true! I met Skiguy not far from there with offers of jelly donuts....sometimes it's tough to mention people's names for fear of leaving someone out....

On our way down, Rocksnrolls and I wondered if folks might be worried about us since we figured we were the last ones to come in....we decided if a rescue crew came searching for us, we would send them away and tell them it was all a silly mistake thank you very much!...we made a point of stopping by the campsite to let people know that indeed we had finished and were safely down off the trail....thanks for your concern about our safety...Skiguy even left a message on my cell asking that I call to let him know we were ok....What a class act you all are.....even giggy!!

Hey DoubleBow, did you get the note I left in your boot? I didn't have the heart to wake you but wanted to let you know that we heard you made it back just fine....hope your knee is on the mend......

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Jade ...nice trip report. Congrat to you and Rocknrolls!
Thank you soooooooo much for helping us to our cars
with your headlight. Wish we could have stayed longer
at CMR but I had to get Mtnpa,Hikerfast & Hikeramiga
to bed, because we had a hike planned for the next day.
See you on the trails!!!