"Pound the Presis" - Presi travese to benefit TBTS


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The rangers got back to me and confirmed pretty much what was metioned above - Pretty sure it was a 2 car limit last year so this is good. (3 car limit) They said parking at the "shack" down the street (1/5 - 1/2 mile??) and shuttling is ok. so thats good news.

I also mentioned to note if they see a big group that weekend, with beer, grills, etc.. that we are not there to trash the site and will clean up accordingly as we leave. Last year the ranger did have a bit of concern when he saw the set and up and gave us a bit a guff as he cleary thought we were going to trash the place. Guiess I can't blame him, as there were 20+ people boozing, loud music, tarps, grills, etc....

anyway - shizzmac, jay, dax and myself will be there well before noon on friday. It would be good to get a list of people are actually planning to set up a tent on CMR - this was we can know if we should try and "claim" more than one site. I would hate to "claim" a site and not need it.

Jay, if all plans fall in place, I'll probably be getting in around mid-day on Friday as I plan on leaving on Thursday evening and crashing when I'm tired. I'm guessing I'll only be a few hours away in the AM. I will also have a tent, but if the weather is excellent I may just hammock my butt in the air.

The weather is going to be excellent, right?? :)

Folks, I don't think you need to RSVP about lodging at CMR, you're all welcome to come, we have plenty of space for tents, what is limiting is the # of people allowed per site. However, I know that a bunch of you aren't camping and staying elsewhere, and when we get 2 spots, we should cover everybody that is coming. I don't think there is a rule about the number of folks hanging out at CMR, just tenting, for that parking is going to be more an issue than tentspace, but we will be able to shuttle you to legal parking in any case.

These are all the VfTT folks that I have "registered" for the hike:

VfTT Name
Half Moon
Double Bow
Mike P.
Lawn Sale
Jay H
sleeping bear

I'm pretty sure some folks are on there that aren't coming, because while many of you I've heard from either here/pm/email, some of the folks on this list I know but haven't heard from in awhile so there are 39 folks in the above list and I think there is one or two others that are coming but not on VfTT. It will balance out in the end, I'm sure...

If you see your name on the list and NOT coming, let me know, and vice versa, if you don't see your name there and ARE coming, let me know too. I've tried to keep an updated list as I get PMs/Emails but sometimes I forget.

I'll have to talk to Shizzmac about the grills :)


Well, I really wanted to support all the hikers again this year. I even had crazy thoughts of hauling a cooler with ice cream up Jefferson!! BUT.....I took a nasty header on my mountain bike and fractured my right leg. I fell about 8' onto a rock. It hurt big time and I knew that it was either broken or at least fractured right away. What really stunk was that I was about 2 miles from the nearest road. I guess we could have used a cell phone and called for help, but I knew I would get crucified by the VFTT masses if I did that! :eek: So I hopped out for 2 miles. Let me tell you, limping with a fractured leg over rocky terrain is quite painful and you really do see stars. The ER doc said it was not fractured, but then I saw an orthopedist and he was very surprised that the ER doc somehow missed seeing the 3" long fracture on the x-rays.

Bottom line is that I can not put weight on my leg or drive for 1 month. So I will not make it to the Presi hike.

I want to give big time thanks to Jay for setting up another awesome event. I also want to thank everyone who is hiking, helping, raising funds, and involved in anyway. Big time thanks to all of you! Your efforts make me proud of the site.

Have fun. Wish I could be there.

- darren
Ack, heal well Darren... What is this with Massachusetts? Is there some kind of hex this year? Maybe you should stick with paddling, it's hard to do a face plant in a sea kayak..

Well, we'll have to see if we can get SkiGuy to lug up the cooler by himself now.

darren said:
I fell about 8' onto a rock. It hurt big time and I knew that it was either broken or at least fractured right away.

Bottom line is that I can not put weight on my leg or drive for 1 month. So I will not make it to the Presi hike.
- darren
Flimsy excuse, but I guess I'll accept it... Geez, what IS with you MA'ers??
Heal fast!! You're going to be out of it for some months, bud... so remember, don't listen to everything they tell you. My brother-in-law managed to wind surf with a cast!! Paddling should do it - you don't have to use the rudder! Just find someone to drive you there and carry the boat!! :D

Tough break! (pun intended) How'd the bike fair??
I'd like to join! I am not sure yet if I would stay at Cherry Mtn Rd or not. Hoping for sunshine! :)

sknydpper said:
I'd like to join! I am not sure yet if I would stay at Cherry Mtn Rd or not. Hoping for sunshine! :)


hey laurel - I remember you from MEB's Fran traverse last year - was wondering where ya been - cool :cool: - hope to see ya next weekend.

Jay - I spoke with shizzmac on friday - he is planning to bring his grill(s). We should help him out with some coleman fuel cannisters. He and Woody should be getting there about the same time as us - so we should be ok as far as claiming sites.

To keep the cars down - the earlier we spot cars the better - just shuttle them out of there as fast as possible. We should toss a few at highland and ammo lots. That should do it.
OK Good, I was just going to email Shizz... I obviously can't bring my coleman fuel canisters even though I have those small ones from my Coleman Lantern. I thought Shizz's grills used those full size regular propane tanks from a BBQ grill, no?


p.S. I've PM'ed a bunch of non-active participants I had in my list and we've lost a bunch and gained a bunch, so we're at roughly 36 right now... We have Skiguys use of a car shuttle for those that may have altered plans. He has a car that can transport hikers who may need a shuttle, however, I expect that we should be able to spot enough cars down at the highlands center to not really need it except for the cases where perhaps an odd person may finish early and perhaps he/she doesn't have a car there and doesn't want to wait.

I've been in the highland center, if not comfy, there are at least things to read and people to annoy. Make sure you are really wet and muddy and plop down in one of their comfy chairs and make yourself at home. This is the AMC, a supposedly hiking club, ya know.

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have to double check with him on the tanks - pretty sure they were coleman's but maybe your right. we can stop in twin mt for this stuff.

the weather has to be decent - this awful pattern we have been in has to break soon - WTF - another 2 inch rain event this week? what ever happened to rain storms that have less than an inch of rain!!!!!!!!!!!
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Training Recommendation Request: Anyone have any suggestions as to if a big outing this weekend would be good or to just go small in preparation for next weekend.
Abster said:
Training Recommendation Request: Anyone have any suggestions as to if a big outing this weekend would be good or to just go small in preparation for next weekend.

It all depends on your level of fitness, but I think you'd be fine, so long as you take it easy next week.
Abster said:
Training Recommendation Request: Anyone have any suggestions as to if a big outing this weekend would be good or to just go small in preparation for next weekend.

As I'm nursing my ankle back up to strength, :( I'm going with "moderate". Unless there are thunderstorms on Saturday, I'm probably going to be doing Mansfield at a "moderate" pace. If you, or anyone else, is interested in joining in, let me know!
I did big last week, I might do a fair amount of miles on a rail trail, walkone jog one for more cardio but want to avoid an injury
Personally, I won't change much. I get up at 4:15 weekday mornings. I eat a small breakfast (protein shake). I spend 15 -35 min on the eliptical trainer, then lift weights..I emphasize: upper body, lower body, cardio on alternate days. I change the individual exercises on a monthly basis depending on what looks good in "Men's Health" magazine. Nothing special about "Men's Health", just pick something that changes on a regular basis so that you don't get bored or get hurt. I love running, but if I do it too often or get competitive (as I am prone to do) I get injured.