Presi Traverse

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RGF1 -

Pace is always a tough one for me. I am usually around book time with some things like steep elevation gains or extra heavy packs slowing me down. I do not expect to carry too much more than the necassarys on this trip so I would hope to be around book time. The most likely peaks I will choose to hit are Clay, Eisenhower and Pierce. The ones I will absolutely not do are Adams, Jackson and Washington...hoping to hit Madison and Adams before the traverse and I could probably be coerced into going up to the summit of Jefferson as it is not too much of a haul up from the Gulfside. I really do not want to summit Washington again in the summer...I really did not like it and I am saving Jackson to be my last 48 this Fall. I have not done the math for this trip but I figure the time in the book for the Valley Way, Gulfside Trail, Westside Trail and Crawford Path back to the notch should be about what I do minus/plus any summits. I feel like everyone has to hike their own hike on this and we will be something of a loose group...

I am going to be car camping near Crawford Notch and plan on bein on the trail Saturday 6/11 sometime between 4 and 5am. I paln on saving Sunday 6/12 as a rain date.
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That sounds like a great hike but it does not work for the idea is to get from the Appalacia parking area to Crawford Notch in a day. Someday after I finish my 48 I plan to spend a lot of time in King's Ravine. I am a leery of front loading the peaks on the traverse during the early part of the day as I do not want to be spent by noon time because I/we summited Madison and Adams; they are pretty much the toughest summits on the trip and I am saving them for a different day. I am thinking about hitting Madison and/or Adams on Memorial Day weekend...either Sautrday or Sunday.
Mike If you can be at a parking lot before 7 or 8 am that weekend I would be happy to hike up though King Ravine. sadly the lots such as Appalchia fill with hikers going to a Hut on that weekend if the Hut is open so you end up parking a ways from the trail head and could be towed . But you would love King ravine great place and not as busy . I am serioulsly thinking of going along with the traverse . I would go light as i can also I have to . my battered body can only do so much . I was in a logging accident last November and am still not even 90% . I got hit by a splintered white pine and it messed up a already injured shoulder. and neck. Just the part and parcel of dropping dangerous trees.
OH for all if my typing is a bit off you can thak the potent pain killers I take from time to time . Sorry about that I can even miss stuff on spellcheck