A couple of years ago it wasn't the problem it is now. And honestly, I could see it coming a couple of years ago, but I see it as critical at that point.
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Peakbagr said:A couple of years ago it wasn't the problem it is now. And honestly, I could see it coming a couple of years ago, but I see it as critical at that point.
bubba said:I am going with several others to enjoy hiking in the Adirondacks this weekend. I expect that when I return on Monday, I will be able to post away in an open (non-subscription) NY dedicated forum.
Let's get on with it...
Peakbagr said:Sorry someone criticized you for your expressing your opinion. If you want to PM me with their name, I'd be happy to speak with them. While we might not see the thread issue quite the same way, I appreciate your contributing to the thread. All opinions are welcome.
Seems pretty much cut and dry to me. We're a community of NORTHEAST hikers. Sorry if you have to weed through a few posts to find exactly what you are looking for (ever hear of "search" function?) I don't see anywhere where it says:3. a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually prec. by the): the business community; the community of scholars.