I take great exception to any finger pointing towards any group or individual for that matter as to "leaving someone to die". Lets get back to the basics here, while hiking has become mainstream to the point of losing its hardness almost completely by most, it is still a inherently dangerous pursuit in certain situations and the responsilbilty of anyones safety is not garranteed by anyone. That being said, many groups and or individuals would go to great lengths to save someone, myself included. Ive been involved in 2 rescues, I would do anything to help someone if at all possible, but in certain conditions, I would not. I was in the mountains hiking when the Tinkham rescue was going on, I was going to offer my help ( they proboly would have refused) but given the conditions, I never did. If you run into trouble in the mountains, there are many selfless and brave people out there willing to come to your aid, but make no mistake about it, live or die, rescued or not,when you take to the mountains, ultimately, you are responsible for your own safety. Harsh,maybe, but keep it in mind when your out there because thats the way it is in the end.