Kevin Judy and Emma
Well-known member
This question was posted over at the MWOBS Forum and so far has not been answered. All I know about the subject is that there is a 17 degree westerly declination. I'm sure this has been discussed here before, if someone could point me to the thread or give an explanation, I'm sure it would be appreciated. I'm sure with the wealth of knowledge here someone will know how to answer this. The question is as follows:
All right. This question is for all you compass savvy travelers out there. First off, I don't have a GPS nor will I be purchasing one anytime soon. I do however have a nice Silva Ranger orienteering compass with a built in gear to permanently set the declination. Secondly, I understand the basics of compass use and would not have a problem navigating. I have used compasses to steer my way up munroes covered in thick fog in Scotland countless times.
My question is geared more towards my confusion of some explanations found in "Freedom for the Hills" 7th edition and my Silva compass manual. I will quote these explanations/instructions for your benefit. Perhaps you even have this book and model of compass yourself, which would make you even more qualified to assist me.
Now, I understand that we who live on the East coast of the U.S. or East of the line of 0 declination or "agonic line" would be described as having to use a Westerly declination. On one of my maps of N.H. it says that there is a 17degree westerly declination. For those living on the West coast, they would have an Easterly declination as magnetic north is somewhere to the East of true North. Ok, that I get, what I don't get is the following explanations.
Taken from "Freedom of the Hills" page 95 in the chapter on navigation
"In areas WEST of the line of zero declination, the magnetic needle points somewhere to the EAST (to the right) of True North. So, these areas are said to have EAST declination. It works just the opposite on the other side of the line of zero declination, where the magnetic needle points somewhere to the WEST (left) of True North, these areas have WEST declination."
Now, from the manual of my Silva Ranger compass model 515
"Turn the dial to increase or decrease that reading according to the declination. Easterly,
decrease the dial reading and westerly, increase the reading.
For example, if your bearing from the map is l00º and the declination is 10º East,
DECREASE the reading 10º by turning the dial to 90º. If the declination is 10º West,
INCREASE the reading of l00º to read 110º."
Now, on page 96 of Freedom from the hills, there are two illustrations (figure 5-10 and figure 5-11) If you have this book, you can turn and see what I mean. in f. 5-10, it shows that in Vermont (b) the needle points West of true north, just like the book says, but in Figure 5-11 (B), the compass diagram shows that the declination arrow is decreased from true north to give a reading of 345 degrees North.
Now remember form before that from my compass instructions I am to Increase when I have a Westerly declination? Shouldn't the true declination be set to 15 degrees North, NE? By subtracting, I would be increasing the distance that magnetic north differed from true north, rather than correcting the error.
Does anyone see my point. Am I wrong? If I am, what am I missing? Is N.H. true north 343 degrees or 17 degrees? Thanks if you can make heads or tails of this and sorry for such a long post.
If anything, the map I hold in my hand must be wrong if I am wrong, since it says that NH has a 17degree West declination. Meaning that, the offset between true and magnetic North is 17 degrees West. If the rhyme West is Best and East is least holds true, then I would ADD 17 degrees to my bearing or azimuth.
Now, according to this site, there are two ways and one talks of converting true north to magnetic north and the other is the opposite when converting magnetic north to true north. According to that site, the above references from both Freedom of the Hills and my instruction manual would suggest that they are instructing me to convert True North to Magnetic North. It is all so very confusing as I am reading inconsistencies in those two books and then even in a "map and compass" manual written by Cliff Jacobson. If anyone here has that book I can point out the pages I am referring to.