Seriously, if your driven to hike in crappy conditions do Willey, Field and Tom- no stream crossings
The first two stream crossings can be tricky sometimes, though the first one has somewhat of a crossing aide in place.
Seriously, if your driven to hike in crappy conditions do Willey, Field and Tom- no stream crossings
Hiking in the rain is good, sloppy fun. Do Bondcliff -- Juniper and I did that one in the rain a few weeks ago and had a blast. You're never that far away from a dry car so what's the big deal.If you are going in for two nights with a high chance of steady rain all weekend, no views, slipper rocks, where do you go?
Almost every 48 peak has views somewhere, maybe not at the summit. Generally, the lower the summit, the less likely you are to be exposed, with the glaring exception of Isolation!If you had to find a shelter to set up base camp for two nights with goal of hitting two 4000 footers without it doable in the whites and if yes, where?
Hiking in the rain is good, sloppy fun. Do Bondcliff -- Juniper and I did that one in the rain a few weeks ago and had a blast. You're never that far away from a dry car so what's the big deal.
-Dr. Wu
I don't know -- that sounds like wicked fun trip to me but I guess people have different tastes. I personally think that hiking in bad weather can be just as much fun if not more. Besides, it's summer time -- temps won't drop that low. Last time I stayed at the Guyot shelter, temps were down to 40 F and we were soaked from the rain -- I didn't even bring a sleeping bag so I was cold that night. But it was probably the most memorable backpack ever.I did it in a driving rain with 20 mile winds in late october in 2001. NO THANK YOU. We stayed at Guyot - arrived at 4:00pm after almost walking down the wrong side of bond - in a white out. I will never forget the trip. Hikers were pulling into the full shelter at 9:00 at night forced to set up tents on platforms. At that time the temp had dropped to about 33 degrees.
What recommendations do you have for a three sided shelter that I could use as a base camp.
The current forecast holds out some hope for a dry weekend the father north you go. With a coastal low, generally heading northwest of the bulk of the white mountains is your best shot as the mountains tend to form a barrier to the weather from the coast.