recommended head lamp?

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
I read another thread with interest because I'm looking to buy my first headlamp.

I'm looking for comfort, reliability and variable brightness.

Any recommendations?
The latest Petzl tikler (not sure those names are spelled right) is good. It has 4 leds vs. the old model's 3. The usual soft, medium, bright, flash, etc. modes.
I have two headlamps that I use (plus a bunch of retired ones...):

Princeton Tec Yukon HL. 2 intensities: 1W white LED with a focusing reflector or 3 standard white LEDs giving a flood beam. 3 AA batts in case at back of head. 8oz. $59.95.
* very bright high beam
* bright enough for night trail skiing
* bright enough for night route finding
* brighter than necessary for camping
* I have found the focusing to be useful.

Princeton Tec Aurora. 3 intensities, 3 white LEDs giving a flood beam. 3 AAA batts in same case as LEDs on forehead. 2.8oz. $29.95.
* long batt life
* no wires
* good for camping
* good for night trail hiking
* great for reading in bed (only a smooth strap behind head)

* Reliable LEDs--no worry about bulbs
* Standard battery types, available in alkaline, NiMH, and lithium
* waterproof
* adjustable elevation angle
* comfortable to wear

I frequently carry both (particularly when I am soloing--use one and the other is backup).

BTW, I compared the Yukon HL to the BD Xenix: The Yukon HL was twice as bright as the Xenix--consumed twice the power, but the AA batts had 3 times the energy as the AAA batts in the Xenix. The Xenix also did not focus.

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I have a Petzl Myo 3 that I am very happy with. It has three LEDs that are great for cooking, reading, and hiking. It also has a brighter bulb that works well for skiing and biking.
I also use the Tikka Plus with 4 leds.
I have found it to be small and reliable, the irksome item for me is the case construction.
2 pieces that hinge to allow for battery access. If you dont pay attention the pieces will seperate.
The unit is light enough and small enough that I also Carry a MYO3.
Both are good values.

blueZ said:
How about this???

Princeton Tec Matrix LED Headlamp - REI Closeout

anyone have used that? If it is good, I want to order it.

I have one. It just acts like a single brightness 3-LED headlamp. (Never did use the incandescent bulb.) It uses 2 AA cells and has a constant brightness regulator/voltage step-up circuit. (The white LEDs require at least 4V.)

It works perfectly well, but it is a bit heavy and the weight is all on your forehead. I prefer a Princeton Tec Aurora--same sort of light, 3 brightnesses, and lighter.

I use it around the house or to read in bed.

I just bought an Everready brand LED headlamp at Target for $12-$14. It has 2 white LEDs with magnification lenses and a Red LED. No lamp intensity adjustment but the single LED is good for low level work. No flash mode

Used it for a 3 hr nighthike (duh) with snow covered trails. My better half used a Tikka plus so I got a good performance comparison. The distance and field was essentially the same as the tikka. This light had more distinct edges and the Tikka plus had more of a fading of the light at the periphery, but this was well outside the normal illuminated area.

It's the exact same weight as the Tikka plus. The Tikka plus has a more nicely curved surface that contacts the forehead, but this one is okay. This last point was the deciding factor for her buying the Tikka plus over the Princeton Aurora.

Same 3AAA batteries. I image battery consumption would be the same, but no data.

I'd recommend it especially since I have two Petzls that have been problematic with age. I'm tired of the weight on the incandescent Petzels and having to smack them around to get the light to stay on.

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No problems w/ my aurora. Comfortable, light weight, and throws a nice light.
It is great for close up and semi close, but it doesn't throw the light beam a great distance.
I have the Princeton Matrix 2 ($25 at Campmor).
Good features: Easy to use strap, 2 AA batteries where the lamp is (I hate the battery packs with the wires or the ones with the pack in the rear cuz you can't lean back), and changeable bulbs.
A lot people like the halogens...I like LED. Uses less battery power and I really don't need to light up that much of the trail.
Bad features: On/Off switch. You turn the lens to turn it off and on. I found it "on" in my pack one I'd be inclined to buy one with a switch next time.
Good luck!

Just saw that REI has the Matrix 2 in the outlet for $25
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Check Out Black Diamond NightRay

I used a Black Diamond NightRay headlamp this season and liked it much more than my old Princenton Tech Auora.

The Aurora always had a shaky on/off switch that was hard to work with gloves on. A kid at EMS told me several had been returned for that reason.

The Night Ray has lots of brightness with four regular LEDS and an additional focused LED for longer distance views. It also has a nice variety of brightness and blink settings.

Seems well made and reasonably waterproof.

I used it on a Baxter ski traverse in Feb and found it totally up tothe task of night skiing, etc.

Price is competitve with other brands.

Another vote for the Petzl tikka. The basic version is good enough for me, only about $20,it is durable and light. Since I always carry a mini mag as a backup, I have a cheap stap contraption that will convert the mini mag to a head light if needed. 35mm film cans work great for storing three extra AAA batteries also.
If we are throwing out votes I have to vote for the Princeton Tec Yukon HL. I used to have a Petzl Duo and used it for years and thought the world of it with the LED replacement for the halogen bulb. I now use the Yukon HL exclusively. I agree with everything that Doug says about it.

I use NiMH batteries exclusively in mine.

I had a headlamp from Walmart. the bulb doesn't work in the cold weather. before I want to return it, it works at my home @ room temperature. piece of junk. Luckily, I brought flashlight with me in that hike.

I want to get a bright headlamp, it can really save you when you try to follow the tricky trail at night.

Just ordered Princeton Tec Matrix from REI. Anyway, it is 50% off, why not?
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What I have:
BD Zenix (2 led, 1 high output led, 3 AAA)
Petzl Tikka Plus (4 led, 3 AAA)
Princeton Tec Matrix (interchangeable 3 led and "traditional" bulbs, 2AA)
Princeton Tec Solo ("traditional" bulbs, 2 AA)

I use the Petzl Tikka Plus 99% of the time, but will use the Zenix when I really need the extra light. The Matrix is mostly a spare at this point. The solo is my camp light in my cabin in Maine.

I prefer the Tikka Plus over the Princeton Tec Aurora as I've seen the tilt loosen too many times on them. The Aurora is slightly brighter.

Note: I also use NiMH, but will use Lithiums in extreme conditions.
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I'll cast one vote for the Princeton Tec Aurora. ($30 or less) Also get the Princeton Tec Blast flashlight, ($10 or less) to locate trails at a distance like a river crossing. The Aurora just doesn't reach far enough for that. Both run on AAA batteries, (now available in Lithium), and weight is not an issue. Most Auroras are packaged with a Pulsar squeeze light that would acutally get you out of the woods in a pinch (Pun intended).
I use the Princeton Tec Aurora. bright light that is adjustable. tilts up or down so I don't have to move my head down to see. But the switch is hard to work sometimes. Seems to depend on how you have the batteries in. I like that it doesn't have a strap going over my head.