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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
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New hampshire
I will continue my quest to solo all the 14ers in the continental U.S.. I have 16 slated for CO and 5 in Ca, hopefully Ill get a few more but I try to be conservative and relish in anything xtra.
I resolve to not be envious of you........
Last edited: always carefully and thoughtfully chose my words when posting online so I don't misrepresent myself as a miserable jerk. backpack a few over-nighters (did exclusively dayhikes this year). do a litter clean-up at the trailhead every hike (something I started doing this summer). finally explore the Nash Stream State Forest. :)

Happy Trails!
just do whatever comes my way and hope for the best - hopefully just stay healthy and avoid injuries and anything else is a bonus.

goals -

1)Katahdin in early march
2)late winter or spring techincal climb out of king ravine
3)Pemi-loop in late spring/summer
4)Shasta in July
5)Hood in July
6) if all goes right - maybe Adams(WA) in July
No AK CO or WA for me

Here's what I have planned for 2006 :

1-Finish my ADK46 by June.
2-Trailwork in ADK at least two days.
3-Trip to Vermont (three 4k's needed for the 111 list).
4-Few day trips to New Hampshire.
5-Begin my five years old daughter's ADK46 on Cascade.

And, hopefully :

6-Reduce my time spended on this web site and go outside instead :)
After brunch 1/1 diet mode until after the VFTT BTS Presi-Traverse.

Exercise more, no zero mileage weeks.

More ADK's, will try like heck to get back to BSP & Katahdin (4 visits to date, twice on Baxter peak)

Less goofing off at work & at home

Be a better parent & spouse

While hiking more would be good, I've had a pretty good year 32 peaks total (23 4K) + a trip tomorrow to Willey Range for at least two more. Did hikes in TN, NH, VT, NY, CT, MA so goal will be to hit RI & ME & possibly Catskills which I did not get to this year. I have a RI trip planned & trail picked.

Bike more.
Washington in 2 weeks
Great Gully in King Ravine in month
Winter Pemi Traverse
Lincolns Throat again (That much fun should be illegal)
Snowshoe overnighter with my GF (anything will do)

and of course for the one thing which will definitly not get accomplished this year, Winter hut traverse
2006 Resolutions

1. Get out on the trails in the winter.
2. Do a solo backpack this summer.
3. Get up to 30 of the Adk 46.
4. Don't waste any beautiful weekends by not being ready to go.
5. Get my wife out hiking.
I won't post dumb things on message boards about my exploits, but will instead spend more time doing not typing. Oh, wait, I already do that.... :D
I enjoyed my resolution from the last couple of years so much that I'm taking the vow once again ... I resolve to have no more resolutions! :eek: :D
2005 was great! Thank you all!!

2005 has been a very eventful year for me! It's been my most prolific hiking year (53 4Ks plus tons of smaller peaks & bushwhacks since May). I've finished the 48 (after almost 12yrs!), gotten into winter hiking, met Ed Viesturs, went to a VFTT Gathering, made a bunch of new friends, and had a lot of fun along the way. It would be pretty hard for me to top all that!

In 2006, I'll probably hike a little less and spend some time taking care of things at home but you can be sure, I'll still be hittin' the trail whenever I can!

Here are my goals for '06 in order of likelihood and priority:

1.) Do some serious training hikes for the BTS "Pound the Presis" hike (PM me!)
2.) Do more trail work
3.) Get back out on my bike
4.) Finish the Long Trail
5.) Finish the 67 NE 4Ks

Thank you to everyone who I've had the pleasure to hike or just talk to over the past year and everyone who's TRs have inspired me to keep pushing myself to do more. You guys are the best! VFTT is the best!!! Thanks Darren! :) :)
I was going to wait to Jan 1 to post, but since this thread is started already, here's my 2006 list o' hiking goals (I'm aiming for progress, not necessarily completion)

peakbagging the NH4K--
Hale, Willey (warmups), Garfield, Galehead, the Bonds, Zealand, Isolation, Carrigain

AT redlining in NH/Mahoosucs--
Mahoosuc Notch -> Old Speck
Rt 2 -> Gentian Pond
between Mt Moriah + Rattle River Tr (+ Middle Moriah bushwhack)
between N Carter Mtn & Stony Brook Tr (+ Imp Mtn bushwhack)
between Auto Rd and Osgood Jct (bleah!)
Edmands Col -> Cornice Tr
Clay Cutoff -> Mt Washington
Rt 302 to Mt Lafayette
Lonesome Lake area
Nearly everything else from S. Kinsman to NH/VT border
(probably saving the section from Lost River -> Moosilauke for last)

visit some new places & revisit some old places. :D
(Mostly stuff in the 4500-5500ft range in the Presidentials)
Photos of a few alpine plants in flower that weren't when I saw them this year
Search for Cassiope hypnoides + a few other alpines

other places:
Saddleback + the Horn (Maine)
Baldpates (Grafton Notch)
King Ravine (Mt Adams area)
Sam Adams
Caps/Castles/Link in Jefferson Area
Kearsarge North
S Baldface to Sable Mtn bushwhack?
Diamond Peaks (Dartmouth's Second College Grant)
Hell Gate area (Atkinson & Gilmanton Academy Grant)
Mt Shaw (Moultonborough/Tuftonboro)
Magalloway (Pittsburg)
Sugarloaf (Nash Stream)
For me, 2006 will mean getting back in shape after some tough surgeries in 2005. This includes working on my AT section hikes (20-Year Plan :) )
It also means I continue to turn my focus from multiple long weekend trips and lots of backcountry outings to doing fun things with my wife and 5 year old.

Forgive me for this sounds bad, but sometimes I become envious when reading trip reports of those with "fewer" or "different" responsibilities - Meaning those that have not yet settled down, or of those whose kids have already grown.

Sometimes I longingly think back to those more carefree times when I traveled about unfettered and unleashed with little more than a backpack of extremely useful belongings, rather than the Mrs with her countless bags of countless items, our son with his overnight bag, his toy bag, his book bag, his spare clothes bag, his winter clothes bag, the food bag, the snack cooler, etc, etc, etc.....

Of course, at the end of the day, when I fall asleep on the edge of my son's bed, with one dog sleeping over my legs and another one on the floor ready for me to trip over, a storybook open on my chest with the pages have folded over and my little one snoring away softly dreaming about rescue heroes and bad guys, I realize that lfe is passing just too damn fast and someday I will sadly think what I wouldn't give to come back to these fettered and leashed days!!! (as I wipe away a tear...)
I hope everyone has a Wonderful New Year!!!!
Rick, it doesn't sound bad, you are not alone in your thoughts.

At the end of the day though, you have it right.

One of my goals is to make sure my family always knows that as much as I like getting out and hiking/camping/backpacking, they come first.

Oh and finishing my 48 in '06 ;)
Rick said:
Of course, at the end of the day, when I fall asleep on the edge of my son's bed, with one dog sleeping over my legs and another one on the floor ready for me to trip over, a storybook open on my chest with the pages have folded over and my little one snoring away softly dreaming about rescue heroes and bad guys, I realize that lfe is passing just too damn fast and someday I will sadly think what I wouldn't give to come back to these fettered and leashed days!!! (as I wipe away a tear...)
I hope everyone has a Wonderful New Year!!!!

Like the quote says "The mountains will be there..."
Children, dogs and story books don't last forever, enjoy it while you can.
(But stay in shape so you can still rock the trails when the kids are older !)

I hate to say it but one of my resolutions is to spend a little less time here.
I've become quite the cyber-slacker in the last 6 months.
If I actually WORKED all day I'd be able to take more time off to hike !
Chip said:
Like the quote says "The mountains will be there..."
Children, dogs and story books don't last forever, enjoy it while you can.
(But stay in shape so you can still rock the trails when the kids are older !)

I hate to say it but one of my resolutions is to spend a little less time here.
I've become quite the cyber-slacker in the last 6 months.
If I actually WORKED all day I'd be able to take more time off to hike !

man ain't that the truth - when you got a desk job and one browser has this site open - its damn addictive!!
Rick said:
For me, 2006 will mean getting back in shape after some tough surgeries in 2005. This includes working on my AT section hikes (20-Year Plan :) )
It also means I continue to turn my focus from multiple long weekend trips and lots of backcountry outings to doing fun things with my wife and 5 year old.

Forgive me for this sounds bad, but sometimes I become envious when reading trip reports of those with "fewer" or "different" responsibilities - Meaning those that have not yet settled down, or of those whose kids have already grown.

Sometimes I longingly think back to those more carefree times when I traveled about unfettered and unleashed with little more than a backpack of extremely useful belongings, rather than the Mrs with her countless bags of countless items, our son with his overnight bag, his toy bag, his book bag, his spare clothes bag, his winter clothes bag, the food bag, the snack cooler, etc, etc, etc.....

Of course, at the end of the day, when I fall asleep on the edge of my son's bed, with one dog sleeping over my legs and another one on the floor ready for me to trip over, a storybook open on my chest with the pages have folded over and my little one snoring away softly dreaming about rescue heroes and bad guys, I realize that lfe is passing just too damn fast and someday I will sadly think what I wouldn't give to come back to these fettered and leashed days!!! (as I wipe away a tear...)
I hope everyone has a Wonderful New Year!!!!

If you are looking for a hiking partner for the AT sections, let me know, I am doing the same thing.

Aaah...looking over the fence and seeing the grass.

I am one of those single people that can take off when they want, with a lot of time on my hands. I do enjoy my time, but all I have ever wanted was a family. I long for the time when I can read to my son and fall asleep on the bed with him, to see his first fish, teach him to tie knots, and enjoy life together (I know it's not all a bed of roses). Alas, it's not to be right now (someday I hope), so all I can do is dream. I'd trade the solo hikes and carefree times in a heartbeat for what you have. But, it wasn't to happen with wife #1 of 10 years, and wife #2 is still out there somewhere on a trail. Sure, anyone can go out and have a few kids, but I won't do it on a whim, nor with the wrong person, so the dream can wait until the proper time.

Like Chip says, the mountains will still be there.