RIP John Harrigan

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH

Those familiar with the real Northern NH (north of RT 2 up to Pittsburg) will no doubt recognize the name from his many articles in the news about north country topics. Folks in southern NH may have also know the name as John acted as an unofficial representative of the North country to the rest of the state in the press and on TV and radio. Name a land preservation project in Northern NH and John was usually linked to it in some way. He also was a key voice in trying to explain the impact of Northern Pass to the area.
Yes -- I heard about his death, yesterday, from one of his (many, many) writer friends. I so enjoyed reading his column over the years. I remember, too, seeing him at a Northern Pass protest in Concord several years ago.

(The IndepthNH piece is a good read; thank you for posting the URL to that.)
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For many years, his column was the highlight of my Sunday paper. Great storyteller.
The Drega shootings really knocked him for a loop, and he was never the same after them but on occasion he would rally for certain causes.
Never met the man, sadly, but always loved his Woods, Water and Wildlife column, and had a deep admiration of him of, in my opinion, keeping true to NH ways, of the traditions still carried to a degree above the notches that have all but disappeared down south. Truly a gifted and unique individual. RIP.