Rock Step Work on OBP - 7/18/2009

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Sep 4, 2003
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Nottingham, NH
I joined the AMC NH Trail Crew for a day of rock step construction on the Old Bridal Path in Franconia Notch. It was raining heavily when I woke up so I was planning for a wet day of trail work. Despite this I headed out early and met up with the leader Bill at the OBP/Falling Waters trailhead. He was expecting at least two other people but since they weren’t there yet we started up the OBP at a good pace. His wife stayed lower down to do some much needed brushing and clearing. I learned that the OBP was reconstructed/rerouted when the interstate was built. Bill showed me the old route that heads straight down to the trailhead. I guess some of the hut crew still use the old trail. Anyway we soon met our destination - a rock staircase about half way to the Greenleaf hut.

The crew that was there last weekend had carried up most of the tools so it made our job much easier. The bottom half of the stairs had been reconstructed so we started work on the middle section. I started to dig out a place where a new step would go and we soon met our other two members of our crew, Sue and Alan.

It was a full day of setting rock steps and pulling rocks out from the side of the trail. I learned how to set and use a griphoist. We met a lot of grateful and friendly hikers on the trail. The hut crew was super friendly as well – we met several packing food and supplies - some even offered to help. It was hard work but well worth it and great opportunity to learn a different type of trail maintenance. The sun came out for half the day and we had a great view of Shining Rock, Little Haystack, Lincoln, and Lafayette. Carrying out the tools went much easier than I expected.

I highly recommend getting involved in some sort of trailwork. The AMC NH link is here I definitely caught the bug and look forward to going back again.
I learned that the OBP was reconstructed/rerouted when the interstate was built. Bill showed me the old route that heads straight down to the trailhead. I guess some of the hut crew still use the old trail.
Yup, Bill showed us this shortcut on my first work trip on the OBP; I use it frequently.
Thank you for donating your time.
It takes hard work by good folks like you to have a well-maintained trail system that perhaps many visitors just take for granted.

It's hard work and we appreciate it!

Took this picture of the crew replacing steps on OBP on the 11th. Learned about the grip hoist from them. Like a giant come along.


Thanks, folks!

Kevin, Judy, and Emma,

Great picture. That was some of the same crew as this past weekend. The guy in the green helmet was our leader, Bill. He was super knowledgeable and friendly. I'll forward the picture on if you don't mind.
I learned that the OBP was reconstructed/rerouted when the interstate was built. Bill showed me the old route that heads straight down to the trailhead.

Yes -- check out this 1929 USGS topo map of the area, pre-Falling Waters Trail.

You can see the original location of the Old Bridal Path.

It appears that the trailhead was a bit further north of where it is now.