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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2004
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New hampshire
Alot of VFTTer's seem well traveled so Ill throw this out there. Im in a dilema of sort's. I went on a climbing trip to the Sierra's, then stopped by Colorado, that was 3 1/2 yrs ago :eek: The problem is I miss my family in NH and miss the Whites as well but Im so into climbing peaks out west I cant seem to get myself to leave CO. My family has noticed many deadlines have come and gone for my returning home and now dont bring it up. I guess I know NH is my home but when does the novelty of new mountains wear off? I just wanted to try a few 14ers to see how I did, then it was 10, then 20, then 30 well you get it. How do people know where they should be? That is where I am, any thoughts?
I think the longer you stay away, the harder it is to go home again. I have a friend who hasn't seen her family in Europe for 4 years, and it took a lot of will and energy to pull together a trip to go see them, as much as she loves them all. Maybe your inertia's due to a little bit of guilt and nervousness at staying away too long. I'm sure they'll forgive you!
One of my best friends went to visit CO and has been there for almost 10 years, and every year he says he is coming back. He goes skiing 160 something days a year and the other time he spends in Moab. If my wife would go, I would be out there. Why leave? You have it all out there. I look forward to every trip out there before I am even back home. Where is CO are you? If you find your deadlines passing maybe you shouldn't have deadlines. I would love to have my buddy back home, but I don't think he would be has happy here. He would be like a bird stuck in a cage.
It's easy for me, I could never leave my home. I start hyperventilating when I cross the state line!
It's Maine itself that I I feel no pull for high peaks, etc.