Rusk from Spruceton

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halia and flammeus

New member
Dec 15, 2007
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Portrait of a malinois at play (serious business!)
Bushwack - no formal trail per se.

We used the Ox Hollow route - up the trail from the Spruceton Road parking area for about half a mile before bushwacking in north and west.

This route is quite wet (puddley, muddy, squelchy) for about a quarter mile immediately upon leaving the trail at the hairpin turn. It dries out after that. We crossed the stream within half a mile of leaving the trail - crossing is easy - no issues.

Nettles are about 12 inches high or so. You can still step around them or over them. Plenty of them, though, and that will only get worse! Blackberry and other brambles are plentiful at higher elevs. We struggled with a fair amount of blowdown, especially at approx 3000 to 3500 ft. It was much better higher up.

We saw 2 garter snakes, and some bear scat. It was buggy but not miserable. Down near the parking area we saw a ratty-lookin raccoon. Be careful - it was out during the day.

Lots of blooming wildflowers - the clintonia is blooming up near the top, trilliums are fading, claytonia is blooming, violets here and there... tons of starflowers. Quite lovely.

The herd path is well-worn and easy to pick up.