Sarah's 48th: Moosilauke 6/11

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Great job Sarah !! Congrats !!

I would definitely have been there if I hadn't been stuck on an island in Winnipesauke. ;)

What's next ?
Al... We let the balloons go UP into the air. And George's Caribiner was attached to the balloons... so somewhere in Europe... some crazy Brit is gonna have some wonderful balloons and a brand new caribiner.

Sarah plans on HIking VT next.

She'll reply later today...stay tuned! :D
Congrats and well done. Couldn't have picked a better mountain.

Didn't I tell you not to park in the turnaround? :) Bad things happen to cars parked there. :cool:

sli74 said:
Now, what I want to know is how in the world could anyone carry up ice cream in these temps? Or was it just cream by the top?


It was pretty soupy but it tasted good! There were no double scoops on this day. :)

Tramper Al,

That was entirely my fault. It wasn't part of the original plan, but when I realized they weren't going to fit back into my pack I thought, what the heck, it will probably make some kid's day to see these float by.

I wasn't thinking about the impact to wildlife. Hurting a whale or a sea turtle is the last thing I would want to do.

I won't do it again. I will bring a sharp needle with me and pop the buggers.

Thanks for posting that link, it was good information.
Congrats. What a great acheivement for you and it's been fun reading about your adventure. Sarah is a true inspiration to all those who struggle daily with diabetes and all those that love them.

Thanks for sharing.
Thnks to all

Thank you to everyone who could make it out this weekend to share my 48th peak of the White Mountains of NH! Thank you also to those of you who have extended kind words of congratulations and support. It's no secret that I am a diabetic. It is also no secret that although I have diabetes, I was capable of completeing this wonderful list of peaks.
A couple years ago, when Sherpa John dragged me up (literally) to the summit of Washington, I had no intention of completeing the list. As the next year approached, and John got anxious to hike more mountains, I decided to tag along. Before I knew it, I too was getting stir crazy if I hadn't seen the peaks of the North of NH for a while. I got hooked and I am so happy and thankful for that!
I have met so many wonderful people out on the trails! Thank you all for your support on completeing this list, but also thank you for your continuing support with the fight against Diabetes! ;)
Thank you again,
Sherpette (Sarah)

P.S. The ice cream was delicious and a great treat for the summit! :p
Cruddy Toes said:
Shame on all those who condone such a spectacle of a mass celebration on a beloved mountaintop. Releasing dozens of red balloons from Mousilauke? We all learned in grade school of the environmental damage of such an act. And as to sherpa john who has the audacity to invoke Waterman in his entries, double shame, Guy would be aghast of your ideals. :( This group ( VFTT) should be setting an example of exemplary behavior in the mountains, and this thread doesn't present such

Ummm, no we didn't (learn that lesson in grade school), but the issue has already been addressed (I thought very diplomatically), and the person who was responsible apologized and vowed not to do it again. 'Nuff said, no ?

(I was going to write more, but I will let those who were there and are singled out in this post defend themselves...)
Cruddy Toes said:
Shame on all those who condone such a spectacle of a mass celebration on a beloved mountaintop. Releasing dozens of red balloons from Mousilauke? We all learned in grade school of the environmental damage of such an act. And as to sherpa john who has the audacity to invoke Waterman in his entries, double shame, Guy would be aghast of your ideals. :( This group ( VFTT) should be setting an example of exemplary behavior in the mountains, and this thread doesn't present such

i wasn't gonna really jump in, but i kinda agree. it was a bit over the top what with the flags and balloons and all. i congratulate sherpette for makin' it and all, but i was a little uneasy with all the hoopla too. sounds elitist i know, but i'd've been a little bothered had i been up on moosilauke that day.
I thought George's strategic placing of balloons that were to be retrieved and carried up was awesome. I didn't think the release was so cool, but that's been addressed most gracefully, so I won't say anymore.

Cruddy Toes,

Thanks for bringing up the paradox of SJ's invocation of Guy W. Guy often complained (via his writing and Laura) about his (and Laura's) message being misinterpreted and even not heard by a dynamic, exploding outdoor community. I think we have here a perfect example of one of his worst fears.

Guy is/was an an inspiring individual, but to "love the mountains to death" is antithetical to his beliefs.

I admit to being a peakbagger for the feeling of repletion, but to conquer peaks for public acknowledgement is, in my opinion, simply embarrassing.


Cruddy Toes said:
Shame on all those who condone such a spectacle of a mass celebration on a beloved mountaintop. Releasing dozens of red balloons from Mousilauke? We all learned in grade school of the environmental damage of such an act. And as to sherpa john who has the audacity to invoke Waterman in his entries, double shame, Guy would be aghast of your ideals. :( This group ( VFTT) should be setting an example of exemplary behavior in the mountains, and this thread doesn't present such

So are you upset about the mass celebration or the balloons? I'm with Tom on the balloon issue. An apology has been issued so why beat a dead horse?

As for the "mass celebration", there used to be a pretty large cabin on top of that mountain, so the masses have been enjoying Mousilauke for a long time. It's not like VFTT gets together in a group every weekend and hangs out on the tops of mountains throwing keggers! I personally feel like that type of achievement deserves a little celebration, I'm only sorry I couldn't be there.

By the way, judging from the group photo, it was hardly a mass celebration, I've had more people in my kitchen on a Saturday night!
Quack said:
By the way, judging from the group photo, it was hardly a mass celebration, I've had more people in my kitchen on a Saturday night!

There were many more non-VFTT people present including several boy scout/cub scout troops, one of whom had also had lugged ice cream to the summit.

As we were ascending the mountain, almost every person who was descending took the time to stop and congratulate Sarah on her accomplishment. The majority of the others on the summit did the same and joined in the celebration.

We may take the completion of the NH 4000 footers as a normal occurrence, but I remember not too long ago thinking that there would be no-way Geri and I could every do that. Seeing a large group (the one on Moosilauke was smaller than many of the celebrations in the past year) celebrating such an accomplishment just might be the "spark" that encourages some of those present to set their own goals, or join this forum.
I’ve attended several funerals where white balloons have been released. Although I do not condone the practice of releasing balloons on Moosilauke, it is not out of the mainstream. Anyway, congratulations on your accomplishment Sarah.
Cruddy Toes said:
We all learned in grade school of the environmental damage of such an act.
You must have gone to a different school. At our school they had us fill out postcards, tie them to balloons, and release them on the playground.

:D :D :D

The heat and humidity caused a little brain fade on Saturday. Sorry again.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Check out my kayak after any trip I take on the ocean. You will find it full of beer cans, plastic jugs, and plastic bags found floating or washed up on the beaches. We always leave a place BETTER than we found it.

:) :) :)
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