Saranac beer comercial

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Mike BIRD Mammy said:
Black Diamond Bock just came off the line today (*the beer line that is) It features a Black Bear getting ready to go down a Black Diamond ski run for all of you skier/snowboarders :)

The Imperial Ipa might be sold out already, but you can call Saranac Info at
1 315 624 2417 to see where it is.

(I cant even get a case for Christmas and I work here)


Brewery tours at 5 bucks now, but you get drinks :)
Even at Marcy Beverage? I was gonna head there to look for some.
Just got to look for it

chipc said:
Anyway, if anyone's seen Saranac for sale in the Western suburbs of Boston please post. I'm getting thirsty.


Sperry's on East Main Street (Route 20) , Marlboro usually has some Saranac. I'm sure there are others. Just gotta look for it.
Finally got some of this beer! Got the last 3 bottles from Half Time, sorry to say! :( :eek: :D

Anyway, it's a good beer, and one of the best that I've had from Saranac, (which IMHO is getting better all the time), but it's really not a great Imperial IPA. I'll admit, IPAs and Imperials are my favorite style of beer, so I'm picky. It's just not quite up to Maharaja Imperial IPA for example. But still, like the bottle, says 'complex'. Overall, I guess I'd give it a '7' out of 10. Laurie says '6'.

P.S. Hey Head and MBM: Any 46R Butt sliding going on this year yet? :eek: :D