Selfish egomaniacs destroy fragile habitat on Katahdin.

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Pig Pen said:
Well, I'm glad to hear that they may not deserve the death penalty or whipping!
I said "cold-blooded murder" and not "death penalty." Legal murder and illegal murder are two entirely different entities all together. But we're getting into politics now so I'll stop.

-Dr. Wu
grouseking said:
What do you do now? Send Baxter an email with the youtube link? I hope their is enough evidence here. I mean the youtube vid is proof, but you really can't identify the persons. Hmm....

If nothing else, law enforcement should be able to ask YouTube who posted the video. That should lead them to at least an accomplice, if not the culprits.
grouseking said:
What do you do now? Send Baxter an email with the youtube link? I hope their is enough evidence here. I mean the youtube vid is proof, but you really can't identify the persons. Hmm....

I was trying to do that - but I just challenge any of you to try and find an e-mail address on the BSP website - I tried!
Tom Rankin said:
If nothing else, law enforcement should be able to ask YouTube who posted the video. That should lead them to at least an accomplice, if not the culprits.

If you're implying that the person who shot the video is an accomplice, I disagree. If you look at their other Youtube posts, there are no other paragliding videos. It looks like they were just at the right place at the right time.
sapblatt said:
I was trying to do that - but I just challenge any of you to try and find an e-mail address on the BSP website - I tried!

Hmm, there is a good chance that Baxter State Park doesn't have an email address.

This is merely a suggestion...but perhaps the person who started this thread, TJ aka Teej, could give Baxter a call and let them know about the situation. This thread can be mentioned and it has a link to the youtube video, so everything is at their fingertips. I feel guilty for just dumping it on someone else to make a call like that, but since TJ aka Teej actually saw them first hand, it makes the most sense to me. Just a thought....

As far as what these guys did, it is unacceptable and they should be identified and fined and an example should be set that it isn't okay to destory alpine vegetation and litter in a place as gorgeous as BSP. For those of you so quick to brush this type of behavior off . . . I just have to shake my head and be very saddened by your comments . . . unfortunate that there is so little regard for preserving the few beautiful places left to enjoy.

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Sli74 is right. Stop with the political crap, or you'll get a good thread locked.

Just curious. Are the folks who are upset about this incident more angry about the parasailing or the trampling of the alpine vegetation?

Both are worthy of scorn and the proper punishment. But a quick look at the BSP Rules and I spot four rules which took a beating the last time I was there:

9. TRAFFIC: No person may operate any vehicle within the Park so as to endanger any person or property, nor operate a vehicle in excess of 20 miles per hour, or the posted speed limit, whichever is less.
--Lots of folks think 20mph is a suggestion

16. DISTURBANCES: No person may create a disturbance that impairs the enjoyment of the Park by others. Campground quiet hours are posted and enforced.
--Lots of folks can't shut up when they should. Especially when combined with rule #27.

25. AUDIO DEVICES: Audio devices such as radios, televisions, cassette players, or cellular telephones may not be operated within the Park.

27. LIQUOR AND DRUGS: General laws of the State pertaining to liquor and drugs apply within the Park. Maine law prohibits drinking of alcoholic beverages in public places.
--yeah, good luck

I would guess these four rules above are regularly ignored, or at least stretched.
So why does this incident hit such a nerve? I don't know why, but it does.
I think the Steely Dan fan said it well earlier: Nature doesn't have a voice. It's up to us to step up and take a hard stand when these things happen. Remember, the more these things happen, the more "accepted" they become. That's why it's vital to take a hard stand the first time it happens.

Personally, the trampling of the fragile plants bothers me more than the parasailing. The parasailing is just an cry for attention, and the worst case possible result would be a hard landing and a thinning of the herd, which would cause me to lose not a single second of sleep. But treating the Tableland like a runway...well, now you've got my attention...that's the part that makes me hope for a stiff fine and several years (if not permanent) banishment from the park.
dvbl said:
So why does this incident hit such a nerve? I don't know why, but it does.
I think the Steely Dan fan said it well earlier: Nature doesn't have a voice. It's up to us to step up and take a hard stand when these things happen. Remember, the more these things happen, the more "accepted" they become. That's why it's vital to take a hard stand the first time it happens.

Personally, the trampling of the fragile plants bothers me more than the parasailing. The parasailing is just an cry for attention, and the worst case possible result would be a hard landing and a thinning of the herd, which would cause me to lose not a single second of sleep. But treating the Tableland like a runway...well, now you've got my attention...that's the part that makes me hope for a stiff fine and several years (if not permanent) banishment from the park.
Best post of the day! "Thinning of the herd" is killer too.

And in this case, we don't even need a "market solution" to solve the problem. Be nice to nature and not just rare plants in BSP. It's something we can all do in general.

-Dr. Wu
dvbl said:
and the worst case possible result would be a hard landing and a thinning of the herd,
Worst case would be an emergency landing in a remote and sensitive place, requiring a damaging rescue effort that costs a great deal of money and leaves a scar on the landscape.

David Metsky said:
Worst case would be an emergency landing in a remote and sensitive place, requiring a damaging rescue effort that costs a great deal of money and leaves a scar on the landscape.

I think he meant a hard landing outside the Park. Maybe in North Korea or something. :)

-Dr. Wu
While I too agree that destroying fragile alpine plants is the worst offense, I definitely don't like the parasailing idea in the one place in New England where rules have been specifically established to give it a truly wild backcountry feel. I don't think parasailing quite fits with Baxter's mission.

I think that this would take away from the unique Baxter experience if I saw someone parasailing off the Tableland of Katahdin.

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TJ aka Teej said:
The campground they climbed out of was Katahdin Stream, staffed by one Ranger. He has many more responsibilities than to stand at the trailhead 24/7 and frisk hikers. The jerks signed out at the trailhead at 2AM, under 'trail up' they wrote 'Hunt', under 'trail down' they wrote 'Air'. To the best of my knowledge the Ranger doesn't check the Trailhead register until 7AMish when he posts the Class day and weather report. Park staff can't be faulted for "missing" these guys, in my opinion.

Ok, I unerstand now, thank you. I was just under the impression it was tough to get into the park without a Rangers say so.

That looks like it is right off the hunt trail and it was already well trampled. The tarp seems like a 20 by 25 piece of plastic and I assume they put it down to lay out their sail and then take off. The first post seems like it exaggerated the damage. At least it wasn't powered by an obnoxious internal combustion engine.

The rangers are probably wishing they had done it.

I've never been bothered by electronics in the park, but there is a special place in Hades for the people who have forced me off the perimeter road.

dvbl said:
Just curious. Are the folks who are upset about this incident more angry about the parasailing or the trampling of the alpine vegetation?

If they'd gone off trail seeking safety in a t-storm, the damage to habitat would be a secondary issue. To do so for personal entertainment is what I deplore. From the video link it appears they took a right at the sign informing hikers of the need to stay on trail.
albee said:
If you were there Teej, what did you say or do about the situation?
I was in the Park as a rep for the ALDHA Thru-hikers' Companion on Saturday and was told about this incident by several Park personnel. I absolutely trust the folks who were sharing the tale.
If I was there what would I have done? Good question...
I'd bet if there were A) no environmental impact, B) no legal or financial repercussions and C) you were born knowing how to hang glide / parasail, a very large percentage of the people here would love to get such a look at BSP, or the WMNF or whatever. Note that I am not condoning it, and I'm pretty sure these yahoos didn't do it for any more than a thrill and bragging rights. I know that *I* personally would enjoy such a journey and I don't hang glide.

I'm always bummed my father-in-law sold his Cessna. I'd enjoy touring the WMNF again.

I'm always bummed my father-in-law sold his Cessna. I'd enjoy touring the WMNF again.
Go to the glider field on Rt. 116 just past/across from Franconia Inn. They will take you up over Coppermine col and Cannon Cliffs, further if weather/air currents allow. It doesn't cost much and it's much better than a powered plane... :D
Raymond said:
I've tried on three different computers to get that video to play, but it just keeps endlessly cycling. Or something. Anyway, it's just a black screen. Did one of you break it?

It's not just you Raymond. The video doesn't work for me anymore either.... thought I was able to view it initially.

- Ivy