SherpaKroto Injury

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Hey SK, thanks for the compression leotards picture. I remember seeing how unflattering they were on my wife, now after thinking of them on you, I now think she was sexy with them on :D :D

I hope the house is drying up! Have a good weekend.
Hey, you guys think you're suffering by imagining those leotards, Gris and I actually got to see them! Well, not "them" because the leotard store was closed that day, but we got a peek at the stockings he had before he got the leotards. :eek:

Gris is right, ain't nothing wrong with any part of Sherp that goes into playing drums. That cat can really howl! (OK, I know, I'm dating myself with that last one.) It did his psyche good, and ours, too. There's nothing like a fine drummer to lay down the structure for the music. :cool:

Now to get those clots busted up and outta there. Once that happens, look out world, SherpaKroto will be back!

BTW, Sherp says he doesn't know why he has us as friends, so let me tell you how it started for me. I'd been lurking, then posting on VFTT for awhile, but I hadn't done any hiking with anyone here yet. Then I went to the 2005 winter gathering. Walked into the big tent and Sherp was the first person I saw. He greeted me as if he had known me for years, and I felt like I belonged there. Guess I still do, thanks to SherpaK (and all the other fine folks around here). He does that to people.

So Paul, WE thank YOU, and we're all pulling for you to beat those clots into submission soon. :D
Mad Townie said:
...but I hadn't done any hiking with anyone here yet. Then I went to the 2005 winter gathering. Walked into the big tent and Sherp was the first person I saw. He greeted me as if he had known me for years, and I felt like I belonged there. Guess I still do, thanks to SherpaK (and all the other fine folks around here). He does that to people.

So Paul, WE thank YOU, and we're all pulling for you to beat those clots into submission soon. :D
Ditto!!! ! ! !
Thinking and Talking

I rode my bike 50 miles today and when I got done I asked Darren and teejay how you were doing. teejay said he was on his way to see you and would let me know.Even though we've never met I feel like I know you. When I drove by the exit for Lehay Clinic on my way to the ride your Avatar came to mind. Any person whom you have never met that can have that kind of effect must be alright by my standards. Hope it's all going better and one of these days I'll convince you that the Carter Moriah Trail from the North is the best way to do Moriah!
I met sherpa in 2004 at the Catskills Gathering in Sept (around Hurricane Ivan). I had just bought my Subaru Outback earlier that summer and as I pulled up to the camp near Woodland Valley, who is coming down in another (older 2nd gen. Outback) with 3 passengers headed to the showers as they had hiked that day, unlike me who had to work? Well, it's none other than Paul and a bunch of other VfTTrs in tow. I recognized him and he must of recognized me as he said "You must be Jay H" and I said " must be SherpaKroto", which soon would become SherpaK or SK, or simply Paul. Ever since then, it's been running into Paul in various places in the Whites and even climbing with Paul on Mt Rainier, last year. Was looking forward to running into him again at the Pound the Presis hike too, but this was before the ski accident...

Hope the healing continues, maybe we should all send him a bunch of those silica packets to absorb all the moisture and water in the basement.... :)

Jay H said:
...Hope the healing continues, maybe we should all send him a bunch of those silica packets to absorb all the moisture and water in the basement.... :)

Does that stuff work on clots? :rolleyes:
Jay, I might get to see you on the Pound the Presi weekend. There is a slight possibility that I will visit my folks in Jefferson. If I'm up to it (and driving again), I will definitely drop by CMR at the very least
That would be great to see you up there, even if just at CMR. I think you're number is posted somewhere here, I'll call you tonight or tomorrow to see what your schedule is for the weekend. Heading up north & thinking of swinging by, maybe drop off some goodies or allow Elle sometime out, we'll see.

Our first hike? Was that Moriah with the gang or was the rainy day Pemi Traverse that Dave so fondly has described on his site the first? We're two of the biggest (well, were big & portly) hikers, same pace, both drive Subura's & discuss some of the same historic (in our lifetime so maybe pre-historic) events while on the trail. :D :rolleyes: ;)
Does that stuff work on clots?

If you swallow enough of it..... :eek: I've been wanting to try some of it, but they always put those warnings on them about "DO NOT EAT" usually in bold red letters with skull and crossbones on it.

Seeing you at the presis would be great, we'll have to coordinate what time you may be there so we can have a mini-sherpafest. :)

Thank You!

Don't know where to start on this one... there is so much that I want to say.

It was so nice for Elle and I to have many of you at our home last night. Though I may have looked a bit ragged, there is no place I would rather have been. You have all been such a great family to me since I first logged into this site, and it really shows in so many ways. This recent setback of mine is only one of many little things that VFTT has gotten me through.

Dr Wu: you really outdid yourself on this one. The painting is way up high on the "best gifts I've ever gotten" list. Simply amazing. I sent Timmus a separate note thanking her for capturing each and every one of you. Thank you all who sent Wu a picture! I keep looking at each, and it is amazing how so many of them have you nailed. I think that is what makes the painting so precious.

Thank you all for all the fantastic foods that you brought! We owe you big time! I was panicking late yesterday, and had an order ready for Chinese food. Thank God that Elle is brighter than I am, and told me to wait.

Anyway, I'm not much for making speeches. I just want to thank all of you for helping us through this very difficult period. This was definitely the high point of the past 2+ months. I'm getting better, and it is hopefully just a matter of time until I'm back out there! Until then, I'll just try to cath you at the trailheads!

We Love all of you so much for being who you are. Thank You!
It was a wonderful evening and so great to see you and Elle. Thanks to both of you for having us! You were looking great SK all things considered! I was impressed with your stamina--we stayed much longer into the evening than I expected.

Major kudos to Dr. Wu for pulling it all together!
Sherpa! It was great to see you yesterday, seems like you're doing much better. It was a wonderful little gathering, lots of friendly faces and far too much to eat. I wish you the best in your recovery and I hope to see you all soon on the trails.
I will seconds seekers comments -

SK - I thought you looked rather well - esp them tights :eek: :eek: :eek:

seriously , you looked good.

I was glad to to make the trek out to the vastness of north reading!!
Damm, wish I could be there... Will always be there in spirit. :)

Hope to see ya at CMR, Sherpa, when will you know if you will be making the trip up?

Hi Sherp,

I'm really sorry I couldn't be there to see your face when you first saw the painting. but I feel better knowing that your stamina is as good as Brenda says it is :D

and I'm sending more thanks to Dr. Wu for putting it all together. Based on the size of my inbox, a lot of effort was putting into pulling it off!

and of course, even more thanks go to Timmus for her wonderful hand...

I heard nothing about it but it looks like you received good cheer. Get well soon.
Sherpa buddy,

It was great to see you in your home environment, parked in front of the Red Sox game (who gives up that many home runs?) surrounded by folks having a fine time. Thanks especially to Timmus for the drawing and Dr_Wu for putting the whole thing together. It was great seeing everyone and meeting some folks for the first time. Bringing people together through injury.

And Elle, you are definately our kind of people. You're welcome to join us anywhere, anytime. We'll just make sure there's a place to plug in the hair dryer and you'll be all set. :)

David Metsky said:
And Elle, you are definately our kind of people. You're welcome to join us anywhere, anytime. We'll just make sure there's a place to plug in the hair dryer and you'll be all set. :)


What he said!! We'll even carry it for you! :D
Thanks everybody for the good words, I wish I could have been there with all of you. Especially to meet you, Sherpa K !

Thank you Dr. Wu for asking me to do this drawing, I had a lot of fun doing it.

click here to see the ''Sherpa Kroto's Angels, Kooks & Friends'' drawing. (click on «View Full Size» for a better look at it)

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