SherpaKroto Injury

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Just keep reminding him ho wlong it took for you to get better & how there were good days & bad & he'll do fine.

Skinny SK, I better get back on the diet, he was one of just a few people that hiked at my speed before! :)
Sherpa if you want I could start patrols to keep the flyfishermen of the Coos County rivers. This way the trout want be leader shy when you are able to come out. let me know if you need any bead headed nymphs.
Camper58 said:
Methinks MrsSherpaKroto has the same sense of humor as SK. Boy that must be a fun household!

I've met her once at a gathering for SK's 50th in Boston, and all I have to say is you better believe it! :D

Mrs.SK, thanks for posting and letting us know how Paul is doing. I'm just so sorry this is so hard. We all want to keep spirits up and all, but your posts bring home the reality of just how injured he is. That's important to know, and I think very hard to comprehend knowing Sherpa.

I for one will check this thread and send my warmest wishes and healing vibes every day.
Fast recovery!!

I'm wishing a speedy recovery & will be looking for you back in the Whites...

All The Best

We shared a beer at FOT48 Sherp and I know you will bounce back well and in style. I am also a skier and can appreciate your experience, though luckily never been there. I always wear a helmet though - ski, bike, well, not hiking yet though.

Hope to see you on the trail again soon!!
Just think a skinny sherpa, I cant wait!!

Might not last long. I lost 40 pounds in my hospitalization - managed to put it all back on in less than a year.

Anyway Sherpa, its good to see you posting. I'm definitely empathizing. Do let us know what rehab hospital you go to.
Might not last long. I lost 40 pounds in my hospitalization - managed to put it all back on in less than a year.
Yeah, something tells me Sherp's first trip back to the Presis will involve a large plate of fries and malt at the Northland Dairy Bar... ;)
Ouch!! Add me to the list of those hoping for a speedy and full recovery. May the perseverance and strength you show on a hike aid you to this goal.
In Rehab

Hey Sherp,

I figured that you'd end up in Rehab sooner or later... but I never thought it would be for this!!

Let me know when you're ready for visitors in Woburn (don't drink the water!) and I'll come down from Westford for lunch.

Hey, does that rehab have a practice space???

I just got back yesterday,and find this posted.Man,this really stinks!
All we ever got to do was have dinner and a couple of beers with Paul,but we knew he was a great guy!

SK,get well soon,and get back outdoors!

Your circle of friends is bigger than you could ever imagine!
Your circle of fans is pretty big too. SK is a hiking celebrity in my mind...

I haven't met the man, but admire what I've seen here.

I pray you have a quick recovery and hope to "run into" you on the trail sometime in the future (if you ever get back to the Dacks or I get to the Whites.)

Tuesday's healing wishes!
Great seeing you posting again SK! Goes to show you can't keep a good guy down for long...

Keep patient during rehab. It's gonna seem like forever at first but before you know it you'll be back on a peak, with all these troubles behind you.

Hang in there. The day you are up for ice cream, let us know and we'll dispatch the Fool Scout ice cream sandwich patrol to drop 'em off.

Being a local hiking legend SHOULD have some perks...
Heading off to Gulf of Slides tomorrow SK--and all my turns will be for you!

Hope your feeling a bit better.
Keep moving forward....

Glad to see you back up posting. Keep moving forward, one step at a time! Get well soon, the barbeque will be here before we know it! slam
SK was the first VFTT'er I met (Mt. Snow COP), and persuaded me to go to my first Gathering...we're all pulling for you.
(and that's his kayak in my avatar)
All I can say is almost 8000 posts says it all... Your a great guy SK and we all have had many memories with you over the years (and many more to come). I hope you will be up for the Sept Gathering, because what's a VFTT Gathering without a SK????? :D
Get well!!!

SherpaK...hope your behaving yourself up
there in rehab. We all miss you :( soooooooo much.
Your a GREAT guy! Please let us know when we
can visit. Get well!