Shortcut to Daicey Pond ?

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Tramper Al

So, I am thinking about skiing in (with pulk) to Daicey Pond in Baxter State Park, via the Tote Road.
Map of Route to Daicey
From Katahdin Stream Campground (on the Tote), I wonder if it might be fun to take a more direct route to Daicey (compared to continuing on the Tote to the access road to Daicey).

My recollection is that the Grassy Pond Trail (former AT route) is still closed, yes? Then there is the AT itself, though it looks to have one quite steep bit (for sled). Finally, I am looking at two short bushwhacks and skiing over Tracy and Elbow Ponds. Of course, I do not know if the map's trail between Elbow and Daicey Ponds actually exists. Skiing the ponds can be so sweet.

We may ski out via Foss & Knowlton, so a different route in would be nice.

Anyone have any knowledge of these routes and what sort of a ski to expect?

Thanks in advance,
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I haven't tried this route in summer, let alone winter, but I've lusted for it.

It is about six miles from Abol bridge (parking available) to Daicey Pond via the AT, then via Foss and Knowlton and Lost Ponds. This route was suggested to me a couple years ago at "Opening Day". Some people I understand snowshoe, others xc ski. I guess it would depend on how well broken it is. I'd equip for both.
Foss & Knowlton


We skied out via the Foss & Knowlton Pond Trail (that includes Daicey and Lost Ponds) from Kidney Pond last March. It is a very nice way to go. Brilliant views of the massif and surrounding peaks from each and every pond en route. It is pulk friendly and descends pretty gradually. I might put my skins on to go up it, into the Park, as there is some climbing to be done. This route joins the AT very briefly near Abol Bridge parking.

A picture from that route: Blue on Pond

It is my guess that the 'portage' route shown on the topo joining Elbow and Kidney Pond is much like those on the Foss & Knowlton. I'd just like to confirm that it is there.
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I think that the AT to Daicey Pond from Katahdin stream might be fun and interesting. Course, I've never done it in winter, but it looks like fun! (you try it first, LOL) Though the description mentions climbing a small esker, the trail is only 2.4 miles. I've done it many times in other seasons and didn't find it steep, but then again I wasn't dragging a sled thru unbroken deep snow. Also, if you cut across the pond it seems like you'd miss the esker part.
We've had some of the best moose sightings on this trail.

If you decide to go for it, leave the sleds and take the side trail to Grassy Pond.
Post pictures so I can see how beeyutiful Grassy Pond and the views from the end of the trail are in winter, and droooool.

I don't know anything about the portage route, but the Park should be able to verify that for you.
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Abol Bridge - Daicey Ski and Pulk Routes


I am resurecting this thread only to follow-up with what I have learned about routes into and out of the Daicey / Kidney Pond area.

Tote Road: We took this route in (my second time on it), and found it about as expected. The total mileage in to Daicey Pond cabins is a stated 10.4 miles, I believe. It is all very pulk friendly, though there is a pretty sustained climb between Abol Pond and Abol Campground. The first 1.8 miles is frequently packed by parties bound for Roaring Brook and the tote itself is packed by sledders. You may find the access road to Daicey (or Kidney) to be less traveled, as only the ranger visits by sled and apparently infrequently.

Aside on Tote Road: From Katahdin Stream Campground, you can definitely save a bit under a mile by cutting through on the AT (or Grassy Pond loop) to Daicey Pond. However, you will do some pretty good climbing and pulling pulks I think it is unlikely you will come away considering this a shortcut. Unburdened, it's a sweet route.

Foss & Knowlton: We took this OUT last year and found it to be quite nice. It is in the range of 6 miles or so from Daicey Pond cabins. Going out, there are modest climbs (2) between Daicey and Lost Pond, then between Lost and Foss & Knowlton. There are 2 or 3 brisk but short descents. If skiing IN via this route, I would probably want to bring skins, due to the extra traction needed here and there for pulling the pulks up.

AT: We took this route OUT yesterday, and it is just about 7.4 miles. It is quite scenic, with falls and streams and finally the West Branch. There are probably 4 or 5 short fast descents, and 2 or 3 of them have pretty steep but short climbs. More challenging to ski/pulk than the F & K, but still not particularly difficult. Coming IN this way, I would definitely bring skins. I would also allow more time than other routes, especially with pulks, as I think it gets less travel than the F & K and you may find it quite unbroken.

I hope that this helps someone in planning a future trip. I wanted to get it down while it was fresh in my mind.
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this is good beta, Tramper! This is the other reason I didn't ski in to meet you. Other than the Tote Rd., I had no idea what the routes were like. I likely would have high-tailed it via the Tote Rd, but it sounds like without a pulk, the AT might be a good route in.
