Sign of the times - arrest

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giggy said:
she was solo - so I don't see why she would have a harness and rope, etc....

you mean you dont need rope and harness if you're solo? What sense does that make?

KMartman said:
you mean you dont need rope and harness if you're solo? What sense does that make?
When free climbing, with no one to belay you, a rope isn't much use. Unless you're going to self belay, which some climbers do. For many free climbers it's one fall and you're dead, that's the way they climb.

one of the reasons the area is off limits is the number of rapes and murders that have occured there over the years, and I'm going back 25 - 30 years.
The rock is rotten. I think the arrest and psych evaluation were appropriate, it's not like she was with a bunch of freshman that didn't know the area or it's history. I think the SAR's did a great job and I'm glad no one was hurt.
David Metsky said:
When free climbing, with no one to belay you, a rope isn't much use. Unless you're going to self belay, which some climbers do. For many free climbers it's one fall and you're dead, that's the way they climb.


yeah but what if its a climber "fixing" a route? dont need a belay to lead climb no??? Harness and rope would be required right? EDIT:Scratch that...I gues you do as you'll have another climber below you...:END EDIT:

I know how free climbing works though... :) and i think its NUTS... HA

KMartman said:
you mean you dont need rope and harness if you're solo? What sense does that make?M
Yeah, what fun is a sport without GEAR?!?!?!? (or is that a Y chromosome thing?)
Chip said:
one of the reasons the area is off limits is the number of rapes and murders that have occured there over the years, and I'm going back 25 - 30 years.
The rock is rotten. I think the arrest and psych evaluation were appropriate, it's not like she was with a bunch of freshman that didn't know the area or it's history. I think the SAR's did a great job and I'm glad no one was hurt.

The park ranger there tells a story when he had a bunch of peole by the Mill River on a bird walk and they found a body.

For What it is worth the Park is listed with the National Audubon as an IBA (Important Bird Area)
giggy said:
about as much sense as this

yeah sorry...typed before I thought must need more coffee....HA...

no offense meant....but chaulk and climbing shoes mightve been appropriate...

Either way...seems she didnt belong there..

Just to clarify on the climbing terminology:

-Free Climbing - to climb using protection (a rope), but only using the rope to hold you in case you fall, not to aid you.
-Free Solo - to climb without using any protection

What she was doing, or attempting, was Free Solo.
giggy said:
yea - I re-read your post and edited mine!! took a me a few minutes to figure it out. never said I was smart!!

Ha nor did i and will NEVER claim to be....I soooo often "talk" before I think..


cbcbd said:
Just to clarify on the climbing terminology:

-Free Climbing - to climb using protection (a rope), but only using the rope to hold you in case you fall, not to aid you.
-Free Solo - to climb without using any protection

What she was doing, or attempting, was Free Solo.

A climber can free climb something solo and still use gear only as protection. For example, using a Silent Partner for a belay on a fixed toprope. What she was doing is considered free climbing - unroped. A few years ago, a deceased solo climber was found hanging from a toprope on Shadow Wall at the Small Cliff.
Last edited:
Stupid or unlucky ?

MadRiver said:
Charging someone with endangering the rescuers is a catch all charge. If they were pissed for having to save your ass, they add that charge.

That is very interesting... Does that mean those rescuers are the only judges about either you did something stupid, or you just got unlucky ? Because I think choosing the wrong route on a cliff has a little bit something to do with luck...
timmus said:
Does that mean those rescuers are the only judges about either you did something stupid, or you just got unlucky ?

In Connecticut (as in most states) a fire scene (which is what this was) is the domain of the fire department. The chief officers have the ability to have people removed or arrested (by a police officer) at their discretion if they interfere or otherwise cause problems. If they are a danger to us, themselves or others we can restrain them if needed. I say we but that power actually comes from the law through the Chief of the department. They don't do it a lot, but they do have that power. In this case I believe it was simply a city ordinance that was broken and police responded when the situation was under control. This is very common. At car accidents we evaluate, treat and if necessary transport patients to the hospital. The police almost never interfere. They are concerned about that persons well being also. If the patient refuses transport we then release them, usually into the arms of the waiting police who want to know if they are drunk or stoned.

I remember a recent case where a guy ran back into his burning apartment to save his dog against the orders of the fire department. He was also charged with endangering the firefighters. I’m not saying it is right, just that they have the authority to charge you if they wish.
jfb said:
A climber can free climb something solo and still use gear only as protection. For example, using a Silent Partner for a belay on a fixed toprope. What she was doing is considered free climbing - unroped. A few years ago, a deceased solo climber was found hanging from a toprope on Shadow Wall at the Small Cliff.
I'm sorry, I have to disagree even though it is a gray area depending on the context.

But really, the definition of Free Climbing means that you have protection, whether you are with a partner (belaying you) or you are alone (self belaying).
Free Climbing unroped is no longer called Free Climbing, it is technically called Free Soloing. Calling it Free Climbing Solo could cause some confusion.

REI has a good glossary of climbing terms:

giggy said:
Is he related to Han Solo??
hahahahahahahah, thanks giggy, needed that :D
I believe this thread qualifies for the “what is the worse scenario?” having the SAR rescue your butt or having to explain to your family why you were rescued. I think it was Carole who said being dissected on this board was the worse scenario.
It seems that whether she was equiped or experienced isn't germane to this discussion. She wasn't arrested because they had to rescue her. She was arrested because they had to rescue her from someplace that it was illegal for her to be. In fact, if she had been equiped that would have shown forethought to break the law and would have been worse.

I'm not condoning the arrest. But we should keep in mind that she was breaking the law, so it wasn't a judgement between doing something stupid or being unlucky. She did something stupid: she broke the law.
According to the New Haven Register, the women who got rescued was walking along the base looked up and said to herself "I need to prove something to myself today", and just started climbing. I would think that would be an indication that she has no real climbing experience. Not the fact that she had to prove something but the fact that she didn't have a plan or gear. She says she is an adventurer, a runner and a nature lover, who in retrospect made an ill-advised decision. Nothing about beinging a climber. I think charging her is just a way to try to deter people from trying that climb.