Similar to The Old Man

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Active member
Mar 29, 2005
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This article maybe be slightly off topic but I'm posting it because it reminded me of when the Old Man fell. I was curious if anyone on this board has ever done some hiking in Australia and has seen this magnificent sight.

A similar situation here also. The most disturbing part is there are "vandals" who try to help these events along. :mad:

Landscape Arch:
Landscape Arch is in the Devils Garden section of Arches National Park, and is one of the world's greatest natural wonders. This arch vies with Kolob Arch in Zion National Park for the title of world's longest natural sandstone arch. Most observers agree that of the two arches, Landscape is the more spectacular.

It is hard to believe that a piece of rock like this can exist. In its thinnest section the arch is only 11 feet thick, yet it supports a span of rock approximately 300 feet long. This arch could collapse at any time. On September 1, 1991, a 73-foot slab of rock fell out from underneath the thinnest section of the span, reducing the thickness of the span from 16 feet to 11 feet. On June 5, 1995, a 47-foot mass of rock fell from the front of the thinnest section of the arch, followed by another 30-foot rock fall on June 21, 1995. The short loop trail that went directly underneath the arch has been closed because of government liability should more rock fall.

Sad to hear

I have been to the 12 Apostles many times. When we used to live in Melbourne we'd take the Great Ocean road for a weekend getaway. Never did much hiking there, but lots of surfing and swiming. The 12 Apostles are a magnificant sight. BTW one other place you can see a similar (though more limited) formation is in Normandy France (Les Falaises d'Etretat)
Another Old Man

I remember seeing a picture of the "Old Man of Kilimanjaro", but now I can't find it. Any clues?
WhiteMTHike said:
This article maybe be slightly off topic but I'm posting it because it reminded me of when the Old Man fell. I was curious if anyone on this board has ever done some hiking in Australia and has seen this magnificent sight.

Strange thing about that article is they showed a picture just before it happened but not one after, even though there were people who witnessed it and were obviously taking pictures.
Another witness said she felt cheated by the event.
"We were told to go and see the Twelve Apostles, all nine of them, and now there's eight," she said.


That's a "Me Generation" response if I've ever heard one.
Chip said:
Another witness said she felt cheated by the event.
"We were told to go and see the Twelve Apostles, all nine of them, and now there's eight," she said.


That's a "Me Generation" response if I've ever heard one.

Here, here.