Six husbands/Overnight Advice.....

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Jul 13, 2005
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Hello, I'm looking for some recommendations for doing an overnight hike starting with the Six Husbands Trail. I'm an avid hiker/backpacker and will be travelling with my significant other (who has much less backcountry experience). Can someone recommend a decent (and easy to find) place to set up camp for the night? Also, any adivce on what the best trail (ie. not too difficult) is to take out the next day to get back to the car. If you could email me at [email protected]
thanks in advance.....
ChadG: need a bit more info. Are you planning to lug a full pack up the Six Husbands trail? (sounds like you are. I've done the trail 4 times (3 up, 1 down) and have not considered doing it with a full pack. YMMV) If not, there are some nice wilderness sites near the Wamsutta trail (in fact, many along the trail from the Bluff to the Sphinx. If you are dayhiking the Six Husband, Sphinx is a very nice descent route.

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