The Logging road to Kibby is well traveled. We used it about a month ago to get to Caribou Mountain (
See new report) . Note that DeLorme calls the road "Gold Brook Road" but the signs on the road are "Beaudry Road". There is a major left turn after about 6 miles where the road crosses Kibby Stream on a bridge. The straight ahead road (slightly to the right) at this turn is "Wahl Road". The road you are on is still Beaudry (DeLorme now has "Skinner"). DeLorme shows the trail correctly, but the bottom section that jogs up sharply to the right from the road, is now a major logging road. Drive up this and at the top of a rise the real trail head is on the left at a widening in the road. So forget the "cairn/old road", it's long gone.
Oh, and I'm not sure it's exactly 9.2 miles. I noted "about 10 miles" in my recent report, and I said "about 9 miles" in last year's report. MMG says 9.2, so maybe it is, but just be on the lookout, you can't miss that new logging road.
It's a beautiful hike on the old jeep trail, and in good weather great views from the tower on top.
Niether DeLorme or MMG mention the new logging road that obliterated the first short portion of the trail (haven't seen the new MMG).
Have fun and write a report.