Not that you'll need much coaxing (ahem), but can you post your snow levels as the long weekend commences and goes on? We flatlanders have a hard time getting an accurate (eye-witness) read on how much snow there really is vis a vis should we bring snowshoes etc. With a four-day weekend for many, and with this storm "barreling through" as the weathermen like to say, I can imagine things will look a lot diff up there than down here (Cambridge MA) where it's 62 and supposed to pour all day.
Thank you!
Not that you'll need much coaxing (ahem), but can you post your snow levels as the long weekend commences and goes on? We flatlanders have a hard time getting an accurate (eye-witness) read on how much snow there really is vis a vis should we bring snowshoes etc. With a four-day weekend for many, and with this storm "barreling through" as the weathermen like to say, I can imagine things will look a lot diff up there than down here (Cambridge MA) where it's 62 and supposed to pour all day.
Thank you!