Snowmobiles in Baxter Park

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Sep 4, 2003
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I got my Winter 2005 Friends of Baxter newsletter today, and there is an article about revisiting snowmobile use on the perimeter road. Apparently there have been many violations, including littering and vandalism.

I'm for shared use and have never had an issue with snowmobiles, there or anyplace else. I like the packed trail for dragging my sled in.

Curious what other's thoughts are on the subject.
OK with me, as long as the sleds are not driven by dogs talking about politics on cellphones :rolleyes:
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On Dec 30th, 2001 we saw a Ford Explorer with NJ plates pass us as we were skiing out on the Tote Road between Togue Pond and Abol with our haul sleds. They even waved to us... Bad place to get stuck or break down in :eek: That would cost some major $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be towed out of...

Anyway, my feelings are that I have no problems with snowmobiles on the Tote Road (Ford Explorers I do have a slight problem with when the road is closed in winter)
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Holy Sh_t, are you serious? that's incredible.

A ranger once took his snowmobile up to Baxter Peak via the Saddle slide.

As for the road, I see no harm in the use of sleds on the Tote Rd. It's a major thoroughfare for them and in my experience, they are pretty respectful of skiers.

It's when I see them try to get around gates by going in between trees and over rocks that I get annoyed. I've seen this a couple of times at the washboard between Williams Pond Rd. and Nesowadnehunk.

That "washboard" area at the end of the Williams Pond Road, we dubbed "the moguls." Even if a snowmobile could get through there, I'd think that last stream ditch would be tough. It was tough enuff with sleds. We took the ski trail on our way out, but I'd rather deal with the road obstacles than that up/down/ice/breaking trail on the ski trail.

The new bunkhouse at Nesowadnehunk is looking good!

I couldn't find access to the article online, but here's the start of what was written by Howard Lake:

Snowmobile Violations in the Park Spark Review of Current Regulations

Excessive speed. Violations of Park closure rules. Littering. Vandalism. these were all problems reported by Chief Ranger Chris Drew at a meeting of a newly formed Snowmobile Subcommittee held this fall at Park Headquarters.

The Subcommittee, made up of snowmobile users, skiers, and other interesed members of the public, was formed to assist Park staff in managing snowmobile use.

The Park does not know the extent of snowmobile use since few register at the gates. Despite obvious heavy use of the Tote Road, especially early in the season and on weekends, only 20 snowmobilers bothered to stop and register during the 2003-4 season.

Snowmobiles are also subject to the 20mph speed limit.
I didn't mean to imply that the sleds had gone over the washboard. They go around it. There are two sort of widely spaced trees just before the start of the "moguls" where they can sneak through and go through the woods.

There has been a whole littany of snowmobile committees, regulations, deregulations, etc over the years. They are pretty well documented in Trudy Scee's book, which is tough to read casually, but provides some good info.

No Enforcement

Problem is very little, if any, enforcement of rules where snow mobiles are concerned.

On a trip into Kidney Pond I wondered how long it would be before a hiker dragging a sled would be run over by a snow mobile roaring around a corner.

There is no way that most sleds observe the summer speed limit of 20 MPH. Ironically, the P. road is smoother and faster in winter and sleds can easily run at 40 MPH or more much of the time.

Luckily they are so damn loud you can hear them coming and usually get the hell out of the way.

The rude riders I've encountered have mostly been testerone-infused young guys who resent having to slow down or go around you and your sled.

I do believe that sooner or later someone is going to get run over.
