Special Beer Night to Send-off mountaingirl to Antarctica


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Gillian said:
barred??...OK, so it must have been bad if you p***d the laid back Irish off?!!

Looking forward to hearing all about your planned trip Lei! see y'all thursday...
6 bottles of wine; temporary blindness; mistake the kitchen for the bathroom. Sum ingredients = banishment. Ask Giggy about the last Beer Gathering that I went to in Boston: I believe I mistook the kitchen for the bathroom at that one as well. Although the Burren Incident was 7 years ago now and I've grown a beard since then to further disguise my identity. Plus I got married.

Regretfully, I do not live in Boston anymore and won't make it to this gathering. I have had the pleasure of hiking with Lei several times and I wish her the best of luck on her continental journeys. Apparently I am going to Everest with her as well next year... in my undies and with a cow in tow supposedly to increase sponsorship. Wish me luck too.

Good Luck, Lei! Have fun!

-Dr. Wu
I was once told that I was so banned from a drinking establishment that, if I chose to have children in the future, they were banned too. True story....
Hmmm... I just remembered that the last time I was at Burren, the music was very loud, hopefully not so tonight. The worst we could move to Redbone or Starbucks :) across from it.

See you folks tonight, I plan to be there around 6:30PM, Burren it is.
looking to arive about 5:30ish

doubt they will start pumping the techo till after 9pm and then - we dance....

I did hear starbucks has a new banana cherry flavored blumpkin frapzilla for a low price of 14.99 -
giggy said:
lI did hear starbucks has a new banana cherry flavored blumpkin frapzilla for a low price of 14.99 -
But if you purchase an organic, reusable, titanium/kevlar/linoleum frapzilla mug for $32.99 you get a dollar off each one!

I'll be there around 6:30.
SherpaKroto said:
I just had to pause and mention blumpkin again for those of you who missed it.
Thanks SK. I'll have to hit starbucks today.

Why do I feel so left out out of MA? :rolleyes:

Best of luck "real" 7 summits mountain girl :D
giggy said:
looking to arive about 5:30ish

doubt they will start pumping the techo till after 9pm and then - we dance....

I did hear starbucks has a new banana cherry flavored blumpkin frapzilla for a low price of 14.99 -

14.99?...are you sure? jeez, I best get to Starbucks for that blumpkin if their prices are coming down!
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Boston Question

I am hoping anyone who knows Boston well might be able to help me.

I am headed down this afternoon first to Northeastern, then to this event. I was thinking of parking at Alewife to get on the Red line to Orange to NU, then Orange to Red back to Davis to meet up with you guys.

Does this sound reasonable or is there an easier way?

I am not that thrilled about driving in Boston, but can if it is easier.

That's fine, especially since you'll be ending up at Davis. Alewife makes sense for the end of the day.

On weeknights, the last Red Line train leaves Ashmont at 12:30, pauses at Park Street to synch up with the last Green Line train, and gets to Alewife sometime around 1AM.
It's not really wise to assume the last train will be on time (or even running), so I generally recommend getting to any station by 12:15.
Davis to Alewife is also a pretty quick cab ride.
Good catching with all of you at the Burren tonight!

Good luck on your next six months of travel, MountainGirl (not sure if I got all of this correct, but Vincent, South Pole, Aconcagua, North Pole from Russia, and then Everest via Tibet in May, right?).

No one got banned tonight, a la Dr. Wu, but then again, I wimped out at 10:30 pm, so not sure what happened later.

Dr. D.
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Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone for the happy night, warm hugs, and nice wishes! Thanks 7summits for cheerleading it! Thanks for folks who sent remote wishes!

I might have been the only one who googled to find the place:) It will be a while to google the next beer night place. I will be back in Feb after Aconcagua. In the mean time, if you want to know how is the trip, my twin sister 7summits will take care of any queries.

Dr. Dasypodidae, you are almost right. The north pole would be from Norway, then fly on to the base manned by Russian.
Indeed a fun night hanging out with mountaingirl, giggy, SherpaK, arm, Stev-o, Abster, Dr. Dasypodidae, Walter, Will, nartreb, Mats, Dave and Gillian (I think that's it, right?). Mats, Dave, Gillian, mountaingirl and I stayed until around midnight, and I'm glad to report that none of us was banned up until that point, but we left Gillian behind with her friend, who knows what kind of trouble she will get herself into without our watchful eyes.:rolleyes:

BEST of luck to you mountaingirl, we have no doubt you can do it, but remember your safety must always come first. Thanks for giving us an excuse to have a beer night :), rest assure another one will be in place when you come home!

Good luck, have fun and be safe.


mountaingirl said:
if you want to know how is the trip, my twin sister 7summits will take care of any queries. .

And yes, I'll be accepting donation checks for mountaingirl too :D :D :D :D :D :D
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