spring '08 wildflower pics


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More from hikes in Southern NH, but quite a cool morning this morning...

Marsh Marigold in full bloom, also found bluets and wood anemone in full bloom last night...

Tim Seaver said:

[URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_ginger][I]Asarum canadense[/I][/URL][/QUOTE]

Wow Tim,

That is a great find, and a great shot of it. Fantastic!
Tiny white flowers...

Took a walk in the Kingston Town Forest today. Saw these...
Hobblebush Viburnum lantanoides


Red Stem Violet Viola blanda


Goldthread Coptis trifolia


Dwarf Ginseng Panax trifolius


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Great shots, and I concur with Kevin, I haven't seen any of those yet this year...

I'm suprised the columbine is so early...
Were you in Goffstown when you shot these???

I got out Tuesday for a walk in Pawtuckaway, saw all the usual suspects, and found Wood Anemone for the first time this year...


As a cautionary note, the black flies are now TERRIBLE!!!! in southern NH...

Beautiful shot of the anemone, Jim! A true eye looks at things from all different angles. Almost every shot of a flower you see is a front angle, but this shows there is much beauty to be seen if one looks a little closer. :)

On Tuesday I hiked in the Sargent Wildlife Management Area in Newton and East Kingston, NH. I took these unimaginative, front angle shots of the following... :D

Wood Anemone Anemone qinqueuefolia


Bluets Houstonia caerulea


Wooly Blue Violet Viola sororia (I think)


Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta (not a flower) :)



I believe it is Canada Mayflower, also known as False Lily of the Valley.
Sessile-leaved Bellwort and a garter snake I believe to be correct. Nice shots!

Jason , I don't believe I've ever seen Fringed Polygala before. Nice shot!

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thanks Kevin.The garter snake was so calm, I hung out with it for about 10 minutes!
I'm a beginner on wildflower ID, so I'm glad I'm in the right ballpark with these.

The first picture.....I'm not sure about Canada Mayflower.....I saw a bunch of those today that were just about ready to flower. It's impossible to tell with my picture, but the leaves are coming directly from the ground, not off a stem, and they are bigger than Canada Mayflower. To me, they looked more like Lady Slipper leaves.....but I don't think that's what they were, given what I can see of the budding flower in the middle of the leaves........of course, like I said, I'm a newbie. :eek:
could it be Clintonia?
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I think you guys are right, most likely Clintonia. I have a tough time with ID before there's an actual flower. I think you're right on.

On a hike in the Catskills this past weekend, we came across meadows of trout lilies. This cluster was along a herd path heading towards Little Pisgah Mt.
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