spring '08 wildflower pics


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Kevin said:
Carole is correct, Pale Corydalis, see earlier posts. Hey RickB, that Rhodora shot looks vaguely familiar. Oh yeah, it's hanging on my wall!


Shot it 6/5/06. Obviously, you have a good eye!

Two years apart, amazing!

Anyone know what this is? 5'+ height. Shot at about 3300' on the Baldfaces.

RickB. said:
Anyone know what this is? 5'+ height. Shot at about 3300' on the Baldfaces.
It goes by many names - shadbush, juneberry, serviceberry. There are many varieties. It's in the rose family. Some produce tasty berries.

A few thousand blue flags are now filling the bottom fields of Wagon Hill Farm in Durham. It is quite the site. Also in bloom are geraniam, lupine, oxe eye daisys, blue eye grass, ragged robin, buttercups, hawkweed and a few other less showy flowers...

Little hike yesterday afternoon. Spotted a group of these right off the trail in my hometown in CT. Pink Ladyslippers




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Maybe someday I'll figure out the insert stuff but 'til then here's a shot of lupine and daisy from yesterday.

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Some of these photos were taken yesterday and some were taken years ago, some in the White Mtns, some in my own back yard and some in places in between. Some I know the names of and some I don't. If you see a photo without a name tag, I could use some help there. Thanks.

Nice shots, John!

That's a pretty nice album, John. When I have time I will go through it again. I know the names of some that aren't labeled, and I noticed a couple that are mis-labeled.

I haven't been keeping up with this thread the way I should, so some of these entries are over a week old. I will date them so if we refer back here next year we'll know when these were taken.

Clintonia (Blue Bead Lily) Clintonia borealis Wild River Campground, Evans Notch 5/26/08


Common Strawberry Fragaria virginiana Wild River Campground, Evans Notch 5/26/08


Diapensia Diapensia lapponica Shelburne Moriah Mountain 5/27/08


Trailing Arbutus Epigaea repens Basin Trail near Wild River CG 5/28/08


Rhodora Rhododendron canadense Blueberry Mountain, Evans Notch 5/29/08


Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa Mount Major 6/1/08


Bunchberry Cornus canadensis Mount Major 6/1/08


Three-toothed Cinquefoil Sibbaldiopsis tridentata Mount Major 6/1/08


carole said:
Maybe someday I'll figure out the insert stuff but 'til then here's a shot of lupine and daisy from yesterday.

It's easy--Find the control on webshots that says "link to this picture". Check one of the boxes to create a link of the appropriate size (here's 500 pixels). Grab the link text from the box that says 'post in a forum' and simply paste it here. Push the Quote button on this reply to see the link intact.

Thanks, Tim. That's as nice as learning how to tie my shoelaces. ;) :D

This is just from my yard, but it's still cool. If you look at the bigger size in my webshots album you can see two pieces of the pod still hanging on like ears and there's a tiny ant on a petal on the right. I'm not any sort of photographer, hence my shadow is also visible. Oh well.
