Oh Yeah
'Trip Reports' is def the appropriate category for this event;
1 - Special thanks to the great state (of mind) that is Vermont, where the women glow while the men plunder
2 - Kudos to the 'man' Caveman party-master of the highest order, his excellency all hail. His duties include righteous purchase of a keg of the best beer known, biggest baddest snow fires ever and manually assisting the party in reaching it's highest apogee/trajectory possible and otherwise being the most hospitable huggiest host
3 - Sasquatch for being the human cannonball for the apogee. A party is not officially a PARTY til some someone blasts off!
4 - the women of VFTT for all being one of the guys. SueB, mardy, everyone. special shout out to Mtn 'dirty girl' Mama for not only doing what she always does as only she can, but for providing an indelible un-eraseable piece of lore/history, to be replayed at future gatherings
. BTW, mama's mild mannered sidekick cannot be the same person my daughter warned me about, LOL
5 - Funky Freddy (and his MUCH better half), w/o which the music would surely die. and Neil for doing what only he can do
6 - dave bear, McRat, the Bluffs, and everyone else who comes to these things and promptly forgets what they see and hear - woohoo!