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Mats Roing

New member
Feb 15, 2007
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Brighton, MA
Not sure if this qualifies for a trip report but some people made a trip from Maine to attend so it was a long trip for some ;)

Great to see such big turnout and we had 6 of the 8 members of Team Dom in attendance. People were exploring the wilderness around Boston Common both before and after the show. Thanks again to the AMC Mountaineering Committee for making the show possible.

I think there will be a few new members on VFTT from this. Darren look out for some requests shortly :)

Great to see you all!

I believe there might be some pix floating around......

Broken leg and all, I enjoyed the show and your presiding! What an amazing adventure!! I now have a profound new respect for your Team DOM Denali attempt!!

BIG shout out to my new VFTT friend, "Bruised" for giving me door-2-door service as, otherwise, I could not have attended!!

Best wishes Mats et al!!
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Mats: you should also congratulate yourself. What an amazing slide show and document that you (and all the others of Team Dom) created. It's amazing (and to benefit of all that enjoyed the slide show) that all of you were able to get so many fantastic photos and video. And then to put it all together... it was really a fun time.

Great seeing everyone!!! Can't wait for you guys to go back to Denali so that there will be another slide show. Hopefully by then I'll be back in the Boston area and won't have a 2 hour car ride back home!!

-Dr. Wu
Great... Unlikely I'll be able to make that unless you want to come down over to NJ...:) but would like to see it in a slidehow, that would be great Mats. Hope you are doing well too.

Great to see so many at the Slideshow presentation! :D

Nice job Mats and Team Dom, I really enjoyed the pics and video's were awesome! Nice to see so many show up, especially the Team itself to answer questions.

The pre and aft was loads of fun..... ;)
It was good stuff mats - great job. Not an easy thing to do. Nice color added by Frodo, etc..

I gotta say - you guys look like ya had some fun out there.

Frodo insisted that I pay up to the team on what I said I was going to give them all when they returned - we will not speak about what went on in the backroom at the beantown pub. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

managed to get a few road soda's in as well.
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Great show Mats! Really neat to see what you all went through and accomplished!
Great job Mats on the slide show. Team Dom did an awesome job on the hike. Nilsa was a trooper, coming out crutches and all. It's always nice to see old friends, and to meet some new ones.
Just Missed the Show

I came down to Boston on the 10th Friday and missed this by a day :(

I would love to have access to the slideshow also if possible.


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