“ The Alpinist” on now. Very good movie.
“ The Alpinist” on now. Very good movie.
I found it (sadly) ironic that he did all that dangerous climbing as a soloist and then is killed while climbing with a partner.
More people doesn't mean safer. It just means more people....
Agree. Some famous climber once said that being roped on a climb just means you won't die alone.
More people doesn't mean safer. It just means more people....
Well...... While I generally agree, that depends on who the people are. Much like speed, your group is as strong as your weakest climber. (As fast as the slowest hiker) If you are the dull blade, your probably safer in a group providing the group doesn't take you way above your ability. Few (no) groups have a Pete Schoening who will be belaying the entire group to prevent them from sliding or falling to their doom. (That was probably a once in a lifetime belay, hence the name "The Belay"
Of infamous NH fatalities, had Kate M. been in a group, they may have talked her out of ascending above treeline that fatal day. (If someone in the group had needed help before her, she may have helped them down.) Derek Tinkham would not have tried a Presi-Traverse on his last day solo.
FWIW, Hyperthermia is usually easier to recognize if someone else has the symptoms vs. if you have it & you are trying to self-diagnose.
The River Runner is another one worth a watch.
Great flick. I waited until I watched it to read this thread (and I hope you don't mind that I update the title a bit, Richard, to warn people about spoilers.) I must have missed the part where his mom was a failure as a parent, however. As far as I can tell, his accomplishments surpass free soloing El Capitan. Alex does remain with us among the living, however.
I found it (sadly) ironic that he did all that dangerous climbing as a soloist and then is killed while climbing with a partner.