The bonds

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Aug 31, 2005
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Lakes region, NH
Any suggestions on doing the three bonds weather to go over the twins or go up through the pemi-wilderness? Any idea on trail conditions ?

Thanks Jason

Doing this Wednesday.
This is interesting. I'm a dayhiker and have been thinking of the best way I could get at the Bonds also without having to overnight it. The Zealand-Bond traverse sounds like the real way to go for me starting out at Wilderness. What is the mileage on that traverse? And how tough is it? Seems like it wouldn't be too bad since the start of Wilderness is easy and the last section of Zealand to the car after the hut is easy also.
Be aware that the Zealand Road is now closed for construction and you cannot park at the Zealand Trailhead. There is some type of shuttle that will run to get people to and from the trailhead however trying to coordinate this with a long day, and the parking situation may make this a tough way in. I have the Bonds left to complete the 48 and am going to be doing this as a daytrip from the Lincoln Woods side.
As homer said below Zealand Rd is now closed but if you can arrange to shuttle in to the trailhead I would vote to start from here and end at Lincoln Woods. I've done the traverse twice as day trips and yes, it's a long day (19.5 miles), but it's not too bad. The most tiresome part of the trip though is the long slog out on the Wilderness Trail.

I did the Zealand-Bonds traverse earlier this year with MEB and HikerBob. I'm not a fast hiker at all and found this very doable as a dayhike (though I skipped West Bond, HikerBob and MEB hit that peak as well.) My feet were sore hiking out that Wilderness trail at the end of long day, but we still made it out with plenty of daylight to spare. I'd highly recommend the traverse if you don't mind hiking a 20 mile day and can arrange the shuttle to the trailhead.

Bonds Traverse

I would do the traverse from Haystack Road via the North Twin Trail. No matter how you slice it, it is a long day. Most of your elevation will be done early in the day and i would rather go up North Twin than South Twin from Galehead. Zealand is the preferable route IMHO, but the road closing messes that up.
good is the best hike!!
Out and back from Lincoln Woods is not as bad as it might seem. Don't be fooled by the mileage (~23 RT). A lot of it is flat. As others have mentioned, the Wilderness trail at the end of the day is a little tedious, but hey, being in the woods is better than being at work! I am probably about a medium speed hiker when comparing myself to everyone on this board. The out-and-back took me about 12 hours total including at least 2 hours stopping to talk to people along the trail, taking pictures, sunning myself on Bondcliff, etc.
Yeah, I knew about the Zealand Rd being closed right now. I was thinking more for next summer to attempt this traverse. Though I originally thought what SteveHiker was saying about the out and back from Wilderness not being that bad. Still, I think it would be more fun to hike straight through. 19.5 miles could be tough. The most I've done in the Whites in one day is like 12. Yikes. But I gotta get to those Bonds!!!
Finishing on the Bonds!!!

Let it be known that I will be heading up to do the Bonds tomorrow, Sept. 13th to finish my 48. I'll be going at the crack of dawn from the Lincoln Woods parking area. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!
homer said:
Let it be known that I will be heading up to do the Bonds tomorrow, Sept. 13th to finish my 48. I'll be going at the crack of dawn from the Lincoln Woods parking area. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!

LUCK!!! :D :D :D
I finished my NH48's with the Bonds and although views were minimal due to weather, it was still a memorable day. We went in No. Twin trail and out Wilderness..the long flat out on Wilderness was the worst. If I remember was 3 long years ago :rolleyes: , it was around a 18-20 mile day that we did in about 12 hours. Dropping down to Bondcliff from the clouds on Bond will be a site i will never forget. I loved Bondcliff so much that i went back in and out via Wilderness a short time later. I have heard of people riding their mountain bikes in to the start of the Pemi, locking them up off trail, thus shortening the long flat section of in & out Wilderness. Have a great day no matter how you do it, ctsparrow..sue
Thanks for all the information, due to the views going over the twins im going to head in from there. Wish me luck and report will follow with pictures = ).
shamples said:
Yeah, I knew about the Zealand Rd being closed right now. I was thinking more for next summer to attempt this traverse. Though I originally thought what SteveHiker was saying about the out and back from Wilderness not being that bad. Still, I think it would be more fun to hike straight through. 19.5 miles could be tough. The most I've done in the Whites in one day is like 12. Yikes. But I gotta get to those Bonds!!!

These 19.5 miles can be a lot easier than a lot of shorter hikes. I would say the Zealand - Lincoln traverse is easier than the 10-12 miles it takes to do Madison and Adams in a day.
sapblatt said:
I would do the traverse from Haystack Road via the North Twin Trail. No matter how you slice it, it is a long day. Most of your elevation will be done early in the day and i would rather go up North Twin than South Twin from Galehead.
good is the best hike!!

This is the route I took. It was a long day, but, what the heck!

While having lunch on Bondcliff both leg's started cramping. I cut lunch short and got moving again.

sapblatt said:
These 19.5 miles can be a lot easier than a lot of shorter hikes. I would say the Zealand - Lincoln traverse is easier than the 10-12 miles it takes to do Madison and Adams in a day.

This makes me feel much better about the traverse. As I did have trouble with Madison and Adams 12 miler. Those put a serious hurt on me with that hike.

But I can see how that would be true as the first 3-5 on the Wilderness is cake and the last 2.5 out from Zealand Hut is cake so it's really just that middle section, but that's where all the action is!

Knew I should have called in sick today and gone on this one. Looks like a nice day up there today for it.
It was beautful up there today. The hike from bond to bond cliff simply put "amazing." Other than some minor problems all went well! I'll be back again soon, so shamples if you want to do a traverse let me know as i had to pass by west bond due to an irritated knee. Over all awesome day met around 20 people, one group was doing the traverse from zealand though they were running once they got to lincoln woods. Also met a guy who finished his 48 after 32 years (came from gale head 2 nights), met another group who came up via lincoln woods (daytrip). I started at 8am finished at 530, 9 1/2 hours thus im headed to bed just slightly tired.
Congrats on your traverse. Sounded great and looked like yuou had good weather for views which is key for that area from the sounds of it. What was the total mileage of that trek? How tough were the Twins to start? I've never even done the Twins either and that was another one I was looking to complete sometime.
Why not overnight?

I did this up North Twin over to Guyot shelter for day 1. Day 2 was early AM hike down to Bondcliff (excellent views with peaks above the early AM fog), then back to the shelter for short rest and food break, then back out via North Twin. I was solo, so I had no car spot option.

2 fantastic days!