The official 2010 Spring wildflowers thread...

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On 20-Apr-2010, I did a bushwhack hike to an unnamed peak that resides between Mt. Hope and Hart Ledge. This peak is on the same ridge (called Bemis Ridge) that includes Mt. Crawford.

Anyway, for a large part of this bushwhack, I contoured at approximately 1,100 ft elevation for about 2 miles along the east side of the Saco River. Along the way I encountered numerous wildflowers including yellow violets, purple violets, trillium, and trout lily. Below is a collage of photos taken of these flowers during my trek.

But, of all the flowers seen along the way, the one shown below was my favorite. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is called a Spring Beauty.
Haven't seen anything not already posted but...

when I found this passage on a site...

"At the outlet, the stream drops twenty feet over an outcrop of Seboomook Slate, forming Little Allagash Falls. Below the falls, the stream continues flowing over three ledges before leveling out. During the low water of summer, exposed gravel bars are crowded with large purple-fringed orchis, swamp candles, and tall meadow rue."

...I planned a canoe trip around it.

Pics to follow.
Teaberry aka Wintergreen (Sorry, this has been mis-identified.)
This is really Low Bush Blueberry (Vaccinium augustifolium).

The Reclusive Quadrillium

More Common Blue Violets (sorry, but I have hundreds of them in my yard and I'm loathe to mow the lawn yet.)

Purple Trilliums

Round Leaved Yellow Violets

My Bluest Bluets

Common Cinquefoil

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Loved the teaberry blossoms!

Another Marsh Marigold shot from last Sunday. I have a brand new macro lens to play with today, but it's pouring out! =(

It's not a wildflower, but thought it might be of some mild interest to include a snapshot of the purple rhododendron here in Bethlehem following the April 27-28 snowfall.
This little guy is a transplant from a friends property back home in Coos County (with their permission, of course). I'm happy to say it survived its transplant down here during last year and is flowering! I did check with both a biologist and native plant farm which both told me at one time they were far more abundant in the area but can be found in very isolated pockets. Ah, a little piece of home!

Watch this space for pink lady slippers! A couple in the Boston area today were almost-but-not-completely blooming, will be fully open in a day or two. (Another third of my sample was in some stage of budding, and a majority weren't budding yet but will be soon.) No camera on this morning's trail run, but also saw some white periwinkle, lots of lily-of-the-valley, and an unusual viola with deeply incised leaves.
The photo below shows a plant that was seen in bloom on 30-April-2010 while bushwhacking near Bald Knob which is located on the Acteon Ridge (off the Smarts Brook Trail in Waterville Valley). I think this plant is called a "shadbush", but I'm uncertain about that.

I had hoped to hike today, but I turned an ankle while trail running on Friday afternoon. So I hobbled around with my camera, close to home.

hover fly on a marsh marigold.

another trout lily. most of the blossoms are gone now.

I think you are right in your identification and thanks. I have had a difficult time identifying this one also, particularly when the flowers can look as different as this:
and this:

I found a few new flowers around the yard and woods next to the house today as well as an old favorite.

Common Speedwell

Common Wintercress



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anyone know what this is?

a humble but lovely white flower growing in the woods (partial shade). the foliage reminded me a bit of pachysandra, which is used as a ground cover.

Wood Anemone. I found a patch of them this morning in a walk around the woods behind my house. Here are some shots from my walk:

Wood Anemone


Jack in the Pulpit


Starflowers (before the star-burst)

I believe this to be the Wooly Blue Violet:

Not a flower but interesting all the same:

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... glad you included the fern. they are so delicate as they open up. I've taken numerous shots of them myself over the past week.

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