The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Little Rickie

New member
Dec 13, 2007
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Rochester, New York
Is it too much of a burden to put up a temporary fence around the base of the tree and shoot it when it comes down ?

I hate that they shoot animals when they are in a tree.
It's funny that you posted this today, Rickie... I had an odd, parallel conversation with my older brother last night...

Brother: "Did you hear that Dad and Cathie had a bear in the back yard yesterday AM?"

Me: "Yeah. Cool, huh?"

Brother: "Not really. I asked him if they called someone. Dad said, 'Sure, we called everyone we knew.' "

Me: "Who SHOULD they have called?"

Brother: "I dunno, animal control? Police?" <Note: Brother was chief of police in a suburb of Detroit. Not sure he ever received a call about a bear sighting though>

Me: "Just because they had a bear in the yard? This is New Hampshire, bro. Everybody sees a bear now and then. He wasn't even in the garbage cans."

Brother: "Yeah, but they could have tranquilized the bear and removed him, I mean, they live in a really congested area."

My brother's a smart guy, but he spent his whole adult life in a very urban setting, so the very thought of a bear mingling even occasionally and coincidentally with people is a scary thought. To me, as long as the bear doesn't cross over to "nuisance" status and the people behave responsibly (including managing their garbage correctly), the occasional bear sighting is just a bonus for living where I live.