I climbed down one of them, which I find harder.
I've been to the top of 43 out of 48.. plus 4/5 VT's (stupid .2mi summit spur on Killington woulda made it 5)..
The "rules" are what define the 4000' club if you don't like it... don't do it. I'm sure we could come up with something you do "wrong"
To add a bit to your bit that doing Hancocks in one day is easier.. i've also done Presi in a day (24mi version), willey, field, tom, Hale in a day(with full pack because i did Zealand and Zeacliff tr the next day), Kinsmans and Cannon in a day, Wildcats and Carters in a day
I also live 4hr from the Whites so i'm going to use my time efficiently. Not everyone has the benefit of living right next door.
Edit: i took the "you only "visited" bit as a bit condescending towards people who do whole ridges and loops as part of their 48 list. Scarpy says he didn't mean it like that so i'm sorry for being snappy.