The Travelers (Baxter State Park)

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Nov 6, 2004
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Exeter, NH
Is there now a trail connecting the summits of The Traveler?
If there is a trail, are new maps available? (by new I mean since the AMC 8th Edition of Maine Mountain Guide).
A trail was opened last September. Copies of a map and accompanying text were available at South Branch Pond Campsite. Spencer had one when we were there in September, but it got rained on. :(

Don't know about the AMC, since it was a BSP project.

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The handdrawn and photcopied maps that PB refered to are no longer available at S. Branch Campground and people at Headquarters in Millinocket don't seem to have them either. I know b/c we just check when we were there last week :)

That being said, the map isn't that useful. The trail continues from Center Ridge (aka Peak of the Ridges) and heads ESE before heading slightly more ENE and going right up to the summit of the Traveler. It then descends the NE flank of the Traveler and joins the NW-SE ridge SE of N. Traveler (the one with a summit of 2970). It continues over that ridge, hits the saddle between it and N. Traveler and ascends the SE ridge of N. Traveler, where it meets the N. Traveler trail at the summit.

IIRC, the roundtrip is about 11 miles. Note that when PB, rambler and I were there, we turned around about 20 minutes after the Peak of the Ridges summit due to bad weather. I've given the above description based on the handdrawn map which I've sort of transferred to my other maps.

At least a couple VFTTers have done the entire loop since it opened in September.

I wouldn't expect the AMC map to be updated very quickly. Also, Clark's newest edition came out last year, so it won't likely be updated soon either.

This hike is definitely on my "to-do" list, which seems to be getting longer and longer......... :D
I just wanted to bump this back up since we are heading to South Branch Pond on Friday, 6/24. New question: my brother heard from an ex park ranger that there are a couple of short "knife edge" sections up there. He's concerned about one of the kids who's afraid of heights. Any thoughts?
torn&frayed: we'll be in leanto #2 and 4 on 6/24, 25, 26. Doing some fly fishing and the Traveler loop (most likely on Sunday). Stop in and say hey. Haven't done the trail yet, but it will hopefully come off the "to so" and to the "well done" lists then. See you up there! Arm and Shizzmac could fill you in on the trail, but here are Arm's Travelers Pictures
Sean says it kicked his butt!
torn&frayed said:
I just wanted to bump this back up since we are heading to South Branch Pond on Friday, 6/24. New question: my brother heard from an ex park ranger that there are a couple of short "knife edge" sections up there. He's concerned about one of the kids who's afraid of heights. Any thoughts?
When Spencer, Rambler and I did it in the cold rain, the "knife edges" were a little dicey, but on a good day when you aren't trying to dodge rain and wind it probably wouldn't be bad. A few places were like the Katahdin Knife Edge (maybe class 3 - need to use hands), but with not a lot of drop off (exposure). Most had alternate paths around. Remember we only did the Peak of the Ridges part but I expect the rest would be similar.

Spencer - what would you say?
torn&frayed said:
Is there now a trail connecting the summits of The Traveler?
If there is a trail, are new maps available? (by new I mean since the AMC 8th Edition of Maine Mountain Guide).

Yes to both. The Maine Mountain Guide 9th (just released) has a tyvek map that shows a 2. 8 mile trail from North Traveler to the Traveler and 1.3 to the peak of the Ridges, making a circuit of 9. 2 m over all three possible. Guide says that average round trip hiking time of "fit hikers" is 9-10 hours. Nearly half of the 3.5 miles between Peak of Ridges and N. Traveler is bare rock.

There's a list of suggestions for a safe hike of this circuit, which includes a 7 am or earlier start, dry day (slippery rocks), 2 qts of water, turnaround at 3 pm if you haven't reached Traveler yet, always ascend Center Ridge Tr and descend N Traveler Tr, avoid t-strorms, flashlight and extra batteries, extra food, travel with a friend, sign in at trailhead, rain & windgear.

A couple of other notes:

Hike up to Peak of the Ridges (Center Peak) from Upper So. Branch Pond ascends 2269' in over 2 miles. That's why the ascent, not descent, of this section is advised.

Traveler is the highest volcanic mountain in New England, possibly entire east coast. (Cool!)

Large rhyolite talus up there covered with lichen gets very slippery in wet weather.

Trail from Peak of Ridges to Traveler begins with a 2000' hike across and down the "Little Knife Edge," a "vertical spine of columnar rhyolite rock."

Gotta go read up on rhyolite.

Have a great hike!
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Waumbek said:
There's a list of suggestions for a safe hike of this circuit, which includes a 7 am or earlier start, dry day (slippery rocks), 2 qts of water, turnaround at 3 pm if you haven't reached Traveler yet, always ascend Center Ridge Tr and descend N Traveler Tr, avoid t-strorms, flashlight and extra batteries, extra food, travel with a friend, sign in at trailhead, rain & windgear.
I respect the advice on the preferred direction, although we went up and back in the rain, and it wasn't that bad descending from Peak of the Ridges. So ... next time I may do the loop from North Traveler. (Always a contrarian :) ). Actually I remember someone way back (maybe Roy) saying doing it north to south was the "classic" route, although perhaps that was due to bushwhack considerations which are no longer an issue.

"Wrong-Way Corrigan" aka Papa Bear
Thanks for the info. I was planning the loop in that direction. At my pace, maybe PapaBear and I will cross paths, regradless of when he decides to start: I could still be on the trail in September!

Now would someone PLEASE send some fair weather our way?
Damn, Sherp what are ya gittin me into here??? :eek:
I'm going on the best weather day regardless!!!

BTW - thanks for the great info Waumbek!
You're welcome, SK and Gris. I'm looking forward to a first-hand trip report when you all get back. I've only done Trav. and N. Trav., not the link between, but this hike looks very interesting. SK, if you could go today, you'd have the perfect weather. I emptied my rain gauge on Tuesday when I left; when I got back yesterday, it was full at 5" and overflowing.
Thanks everyone for the great responses. We've got two lean to's for Friday and Saturday nights. I may even try to stay an extra night, because I'm not working Monday. I think we're at #8 and #9. I'll be sure to visit you, Sherpa Kroto after we attempt the loop on Saturday. Let's hope The Sun King is around.
Papa Bear said:
Actually I remember someone way back (maybe Roy) saying doing it north to south was the "classic" route, although perhaps that was due to bushwhack considerations which are no longer an issue.
That was me, and you are correct, the suggestion was because the long wandering bushwhack from N Traveler was easier to find uphill. We climbed Traveler from PotR before the loop was built and didn't get weathered off until nearly the summit of Traveler, so to avoid the open ridge back to PotR we followed moose paths in the woods down to Howe Brook Falls.

If I was to do the loop again (like to, but so many peaks...) I'd go up PotR as the N Traveler Trail is an easy trail to walk down when pooped.

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