An interesting read, however, it seems to me, (yes I'm biased in this argument), that the figures and cases are over simplified. NH's most populated counties are also amongst the youngest likely, however he only picks the one that has the most college students. Many people in small places seem to be breeding grounds, whether that's prisons, retirement homes (sorry for repeating myself), churches restaurants, larger public transit conveyances, large gatherings, bike week, college dorms, movies, sporting events, etc. People who commuted to metropolitan areas, either on vacation and flew out of airports or were in large building before knowing how bad this spread were at risk. I'm guessing NH's most populated areas also have the most people commuting to employers who had tight working conditions, whether that was cubes, assembly lines, (prisons, schools, pro sporting events, or large college arenas, think NC, Duke, SEC Football would have been a nightmare & maybe was we just didn't know since college age kids are more likely to be asymptomatic)
Prison guards, workers in healthcare facilities, or hospitality fields are at risk of coming in contact with some who is asymptomatic, being asymptomatic themselves and then going to work in their professional duties and infecting all they come in contact with as they do not realize they are a carrier.
Belknap County is a concern with events in Laconia, Outlets a developed area in Tilton, (if not in the County, it's the gateway from I-93) the business model thrives on being populated. Coos County may share the same age demographics, however outside of ATV visitors to the Berlin area and the Mount Washington attractions, it's different. I had planned on getting my son up Mt. Washington this year, however with Covid-19, the Summit area is too congested, the trails, trains and vans too busy to feel safe doing, even with cleaning of surfaces. (Awful life threatening weather or a Full moon, maybe the safest times to go & I'm not risking his life in the weather option)
I'm planning on visiting using a USFS campsite. I'm planning on bringing all of our food and other than gas and a couple of pizzas, there is no plan to visit a business frequented often by the elderly or any other business at all.
A friend who works at a large manufacturer is unable to travel with me as his job requires him in the plant. If he leaves CT to go anywhere, he gets a 14 day quarantine vacation. His company in infested CT doesn't trust anyplace else. I believe this means this summer he will be enjoying a forced stay-cation.
I'd tell you wish campground and which less populated peaks but I don't want anymore people there.