Thoreau Falls Bridge Removal - 30 Comment Period for Revised Assessment

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Wachipauka Pond which we locally called Meader Pond.

If you listen closely, in the winter you can hear the cries of "MEADAAAHHHH PONNNNNND!" coming from the snowmobilers as they tear across it in the middle of the night.

I suspect the shelter was by the pond.

It was right at the view point to the pond on top of the slide. The clearing is still there and is an amazing campsite. Everyone skips it to get to the hostel so the only folks going up there are dayhikers/redliners and lazy winter backpackers. I'm not all that sad about the sign going missing.
Not worth a new thread, but I just did the Molly Route and then up Thoreau Falls Trail for the first time in a couple of years, and the Thoreau Falls Trail is pretty much dissolving into the hillside. Is it part of the plan just to let it disappear? The lower roadbed will last for many decades but even there the step-over and walk-around blowdowns, easy enough now, are going to start making skiing a chore.

The moose seem pretty comfortable with the place now that all the people are gone, never saw such piles of crap.