Ticks in the White Mountains


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Dalraida said:
DougPaul, No defenses used. We were in quite a bit of snow at the time. Sometimes 3 feet in the shaded spots. I rarely carry snowshoes and repellant at the same time :)

Understand the feeling about snowshoes and bug dope. But I suppose it does get warm enough during the days for the crawlers to be out even if the fliers aren't. Maybe, I'll have to start the permethrin treatments a little earlier...


I've done a lot of camping in areas of the south infested with deer ticks. Standard operating procedure is to dust your socks and sleeping area with SULFUR and have your partner inspect your head at end of each day. If you bushwhack or go off trail in infested areas they will get on you no doubt.

There are certainally alot of ticks in the Whites. One day off Dugway road, me and a buddy where heading to Woodchuck ledge for some rockclimbing. We hiked across a recent cutting and at one point I looked at myself and had no less then a hundred ticks crawling all over me :eek: Now they had just got on me so its wasnt that bad, but the dude I was with, heheheh, he's an awsome rockjock but a terrible woodsman, he freaked out, when I mentioned he was also covered, he turned and without much conversation booked back to Dugway road, passed the road to the Swift river, stipped down and jumped in :D It was very funny, we ended up swimming that day and he hasnt been to woodchuck since. :D
This inexpsnsive device is great for removing ticks http://www.tickedoff.com/ . After removing the digusting thing dispose of by the most unpleasnt means at your disposal.
On a serious note if you are bitten by a tick and have swelling or redness try to save the tick and dring it to your doctor.
Ticks cary a large number of infectious pathogens .
Lyme diseasse being just one. and it sucks .
RGF1 said:
This inexpsnsive device is great for removing ticks http://www.tickedoff.com/ . After removing the digusting thing dispose of by the most unpleasnt means at your disposal. On a serious note if you are bitten by a tick and have swelling or redness try to save the tick and dring it to your doctor. Ticks cary a large number of infectious pathogens. Lyme diseasse being just one. and it sucks .

I use this one and it works great!
Got a tick on my arm in the fields on a Gale rive road campsite 2 weeks ago, but I removed it quickly before it had a chance to bite.
Please take tick bites seriously! My Gf's sister has severe Lyme disease. She was bitten by a tick and was misdiagnosed for several years. There was no telling "bullseye" or rash, she just started getting sick with migraines, fatigue, joint discomfort among other things. Over the course of a few years she was diagnosed with flu, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. Finally 3 years ago she was diagnised with Lyme. Doctors are very divided on how to treat this, and so far nothing they have done has been able to help her. She can rarely leave the house, suffers from migraines, joint pain and severe nausea. She was once a black belt and had her own studio and can now barely get out of bed.

For an interesting story on the effects of Lyme that was published in the Boston Globe a few weeks ago, read this column