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New member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Thornton, NH
I ventured to EMS this morning to replace my broken poles since I had a gift certificate from my sister for my birthday. As I was eyeing the poles, I noticed that they had two pairs of Tubbs on Sale. The 30”, which I had decided were the size that I wanted, were on sale for $149.00 marked down from $249.00. I knew that I wanted and needed snowshoes, especially after that clusterf**k of trip to Crag Camp with my wooden snowshoes, so it was just a matter of deciding when to buy them. As I was paying for the poles, the clerk mentioned that the Tubbs were marked down an additional 30% from the red sticker price. After a quick calculation, that means the shoes were marked down to $104.00. Even though I do not have a PhD in astrophysics from MIT, I was able to spot a bargain when I see one. Now all I have to do is explain my purchase to the wife.
MadRiver said:
I was able to spot a bargain when I see one. Now all I have to do is explain my purchase to the wife.

Mad River -

That is easy...explain to her how important good equipment is to your safety in the woods. You gave the old wooden ones a fair chance, but they were compromising your welfare! ;)

I picked up the Tubbs 1030s at EMS in early March for about $115 (reg $189)...I was so proud of myself, but you did even better.
MSRs on Sale Too

I was in REI (N. Reading) yesterday and they had a pile of the new MSR Lightening Ascent snowshoes in the clearance bin for $199 (both Womens and mens).

Well, if you had bought both pairs, all you would have to say is "look what I bought you".
pepsi said:
Well, if you had bought both pairs, all you would have to say is "look what I bought you".

I tried that before with crampons and an ice axe. It doesn't work! ;)

SherpaKroto: I haven't tried the poles yet. I'm doing some trail maintenance on my trail (Webster Cliff)this weekend, so I will find out then.
Mad River I just did the same thing. I got some Atla1025s for $120.00 at EMS. My wife had bought me a Gregory backpack for Christmas. I came home and before I told her anything I asked her "is it important that the shoes match the bag." The perfect trap was sprung.
I know a guy named "Homer" who bought his wife a bowling ball with the initials HJS on it, sized for his hand. She liked the ball very much and took up bowling....


MadRiver said:
I tried that before with crampons and an ice axe. It doesn't work! ;)

SherpaKroto: I haven't tried the poles yet. I'm doing some trail maintenance on my trail (Webster Cliff)this weekend, so I will find out then.