Trail Names: Earned, Important, Silly ?

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What's the deal with Trail Names ?

  • I think they're a bit silly and potentially pretentious.

    Votes: 18 19.8%
  • They're just about having fun, like a costume at Halloween.

    Votes: 59 64.8%
  • I don't want you people to know who I really am.

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • They are important for reasons you obviously don't get.

    Votes: 12 13.2%

  • Total voters
Ok, since bubba the upstanding 'handsome guy next door' type used the term Dickhead, I guess I can share the name that I once considered (as a joke)--perkeetittees....if I were to stay true to the name, I would have to change/update every few years!!.... :D

....Jade aka sorta-pt.....
The funny thing is that my wife refuses to call me by that name, though at this point nearly everyone else does
TOO funny - ditto for me! I think it is that the wives are jealous of our swashbuckling alter egos, either that or they just wanna knock us down a few pegs and bring us back to reality. What is it with women and they're inistence on reality, security and all that boring stuff anyway? Probably a good thing actually, otherwise I'd be robbin banks and on the run in Argentina...:D
I don't have a trailname, and please, don't ever call me timmus if you see me on a trail. I don't really like that name, I picked up «summit» spelled backwards very fast when I created my account here, and now I'm stuck with it.

I should make it change for Jul, or Jules. Can I do that ?

Pete_Hickey said:
I chose the dumb made-up name, "Pete Hickey", which I use around here. At times, I'll even introduce my to people using that name. The funny thing about it is that if you choose a made up name, that sounds like it might be a real name, nobody ever asks you what your real name is. Hence nobody knows my real name.

What ?? Are you saying that I could have been in big troubles when the US Border agents asked me who exactly I was hiking with, that morning of the Dix trailwork, and I mentionned your name ??

Maybe it is ALWAYS a bad idea to mention your name, at any place...

My Bf call you «Bad Pete». Do you like this one ?
timmus said:
I should make it change for Jul, or Jules. Can I do that ?

Several people have changed their usernames over the years. If you send Darren an email or PM and ask real nicely, I think he may be able to help you out.

FWIW, I personally like your username, the backwards "summit" thing is cool .... :)
Origin of Jazzbo

Jazzbo grew up on tiny planet called Krypton in planet system that revolved around the star Arcturus. The planet was nearing the end of it's life cycle when Jazzbo's parents who were planetary scientists forsaw the coming calamity so they launched their two sons Kal-el and Jazzbo off into space aimed towards the planet earth. Kal-el's ship crashed and was discovered by the Kents of Smallville USA who named him Clark kent and brought him up. As everyone knows Clark grew up to be Superboy and then Superman fighter of evil. Jazzbo's ship crashlanded in the Borough of the Bronx in New York City. His ship was discovered by two hep cats who went by the name of Collins who named him Al. Young Al grew up in Greenwich Village listening to the great jazz music of the late 40's and 50's. Al Collins later became a DJ at WNEW in NYC where he picked up the name Jazzbo in the Blue Grotto. He built up a whole mythology about the Blue Grotto.

For example .... "Over on the extreme right there's a pit of fluid that's almost like a small lake. And it's a fluid that has not been analyzed as yet. It's thick, and we've plumbed the depths to about two hundred fifty, three hundred feet with lead weights and wire, and there's no sounding the bottom. So that's one of the reasons no people are allowed down in the Grotto. I just can't get insurance for a place like this..."

In 1954 capitalizing on his radio fame he cut an album featuring bop-talk "Great Moments in Hipstery" for Capitol. "Little Red Riding Hood" was his hit, but "Discovery of America" had some choice lines. We were coming back from New Years Day hike on Mt Monadnock and we were listening to WICN Worcester who was playing cuts from this album along with other Jazz hipsters like Lord Buckley. We all thought this stuff was very funny and definitely cool. Right around this time I registered with VFFT so I decided to carry on the name Jazzbo which I'm pretty comfy with as I do like to listen to jazz music especially early in the morning before dawn driving up to the Whites when I catch the tail end of Al Davis's show on WGBH that airs Saturday mornings from midnight to 6:00AM. Great stuff to watch the sun rise by.

Jazzbo had sort of a fan club called the Banditos where every week or so he would induct new listeners into it with the oath taken from the Treasure of the Sierra Madre by teh Mexican Bandits who are robbing Humphrey Bogart and his partners. That's where the avatar comes from. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Ray Caron
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My trail name given to me was "Mercury, the Winged Foot Boy" by a good friend when I first started hiking in my early twenties, for my tendancy to run up very steep trails. Now that I'm 47 and have joined the rest of humanity walking, stumbling and probably on some days, crawling up the trails, I've probably outlived that name. StubbedToe or BustedKnee would probably be more appropriate. :D

However, I still use 'Winged Foot' on my account.

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Gris said:
I think it is that the wives are jealous of our swashbuckling alter egos, either that or they just wanna knock us down a few pegs and bring us back to reality. What is it with women and they're inistence on reality, security and all that boring stuff anyway?

I think that applies to husbands as well :)