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A sad occcurance leading to partial repair unfolded in Jefferson NH over the past week at the Mud Pond Trail in the Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge.
We just so happened to have pulled into the parking area last Sunday as Lindsay was scouting sites to bring students for a field trip, when we noticed something looked wrong at the kiosk and a rope and sign closed off the trail entrance. We headed down anyways since we suspected what we feared the most, and sure enough were shocked at the extent of what had been done to the precious and beautiful board walk. Our hearts broke as one of our favorite spots that we watched over the past few years being transformed into this wonderful ADA resource, was shattered senselessly.
The intent of the destruction was so complete, that it seems a stretch that it was kids just hanging around and messing with things. I could not help but think that some of the anti-fed vitriol spilling over in Coos County, especially some very strong feelings and public statements being expressed towards the National Wildlife Service (mainly Umbagog), may be spillng over from dining table rants to teenage ears. Who knows why, and I'm sure the perpetrators never realized how they futher contributed to limiting access to natural wonders for persons with disabilities.
We just so happened to have pulled into the parking area last Sunday as Lindsay was scouting sites to bring students for a field trip, when we noticed something looked wrong at the kiosk and a rope and sign closed off the trail entrance. We headed down anyways since we suspected what we feared the most, and sure enough were shocked at the extent of what had been done to the precious and beautiful board walk. Our hearts broke as one of our favorite spots that we watched over the past few years being transformed into this wonderful ADA resource, was shattered senselessly.
The intent of the destruction was so complete, that it seems a stretch that it was kids just hanging around and messing with things. I could not help but think that some of the anti-fed vitriol spilling over in Coos County, especially some very strong feelings and public statements being expressed towards the National Wildlife Service (mainly Umbagog), may be spillng over from dining table rants to teenage ears. Who knows why, and I'm sure the perpetrators never realized how they futher contributed to limiting access to natural wonders for persons with disabilities.