Trailless Dix Wilderness from Rt73; May 19

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This was a loop from Rt 73 using the classic herdpath along the Boquet rivers and much rarer ascent of the Beckhorn slide (which is only for very experieinced slide climbers). Visited Dix, Hough, S Dix, and Grace (E Dix). May 19, 2009.

Very little new blowdown. Herd paths muddy in spots. The Boquet river was a tad high and passable, but required more than usual effort for the crossing. Some snow patches at elevation. Ice climbers would have been useful at the base of the beckhorn slide. Waterproof shoes and wind gear advisable. Reroute around last year's Beaver activity is now well established.

Map and pics (1st part of)

Cliff Reiter
[email protected]