Trailrights on the Mt. Pemigewasset Trail, 7/17/10

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May 29, 2006
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Holderness, NH, Avatar: Pine Marten on Mt Field
The Mt. Pemigewasset Trail is a heavily used and eroded trail that takes one from the Flume Visitors Center to the summit. There is a junction near the summit with the Indian Head Trail. The trail is heavily used by Families with young children, young couples, out for a nice afternoon, and other groups.

The view from the huge granite slab to the south is truely amazing for very little effort. The total assent is about 1300 feet and the trail is about 1.8 miles to the summit. Sadly, the treadway is severely eroded: much of it is gully as much as 2 feet deep, or as much as 20 feet wide in some areas.

Hal Graham and companions surveyed the trail about a week ago. They found places for about 30 waterbars, and several spots for rock steps to help in reducing some of the erosion.

On Saturday, 7/17/10 about 25 volunteers assembled in the Flume visitor parking lot. Divided up the tools in the Trailrights trailer and headed up the trail to build waterbars. I was in a group of three that included GlennS and led by Darrell. We headed up the trail about 1.4 miles and during the course of the day installed three rock lined water bars.

Others in the group placed waterbars and rock steps. I am hopeful theat Trailwritebratt will have some final totals for us.

More than a hundred people hiked by us during the course of the day.
Lunch at the top was a wonderful break during this fun and constructive event.

Pictures and GPS track Wikiloc
This reply is to extend a HUGE thanks to you and the other folks in the group for volunteering time for this very worthwhile endeavor!
Nice report John. It was nice meeting you.

Thanks for posting a picture of me actually doing something. :)

It was a fun day.....the sights weren't bad either. :D


Paradox: Thank you for this report and pic. I am waiting for two others to send pics so I can put up a full report later.We did have 20 people total.More later.
1Happyhiker: we appreciate your thank you very much besides the pleasure of seeing the finished product a thank you such as your is rewarding enough.:cool:
Work report continued

It was a hot summer day, July 17, 2010. In the first picture, you can see us all bowing our heads and thinking about how much trouble we could get into today.


The objective, Indian Head Mountain, looms behind as we prepare to start our journey to repair the trail.


The objective for most of the day was to install as many rock water bars as possible to get the erosion under control. Shown is Darrell and Glenn S starting this rock water bar.


Another project was installing a rock step using this large rock with the use of a rope puller, a light-weight device that can move good sized rocks like this one. Four steps in all were installed at this location.


In addition, the Cardigan Highlanders under the supervision of Craig Sanborn, installed one rock bar, one rock reinforced and one earth waterbar. They also quarried some rocks for steps to be placed at a later date.

Totals for the day: we installed six granite block steps, six regular rock steps, 16 water bars, (8 rock, 6 rock reinforced, and 2 earth), installed five rock step stones in wet areas, and drained 25 sq. ft. wet area. There were a total of 20 workers involved, which made for a really nice, fun day. I hope for all. We certainly got dirty enough! Fortunately we have NH Trails Day Tshirts to give to everyone. This was just one day in what we hope to have a series of days to get this trail under control and rebuilt. I'd like to personally thank all who came out and helped, and we did manage to stay out of the trouble we were contemplating in the beginning. ;)

YES YES two dogs that were well behaved.Can't say that for some of us.!!
BTW did you notice Glenn was actually working on two occasions,he was Helping? pulling the rope.WONDERS never cease.He is not a Rookie anymore.;)
BTW did you notice Glenn was actually working on two occasions,he was Helping? pulling the rope.WONDERS never cease.He is not a Rookie anymore.;)

That guy is all over the place. He might be in the running for Trailwrights Rookie of the Year. :p I am getting pretty good at quarying rock. :)

Talk about rock work.....I went up Blueberry Ledge Trail on Friday. The Wanolancet Outdoor Club (WODC) has a paid crew puttting in rock steps. They have a high line set up and are putting in rock steps (many) on one of the steeper parts of the trail. Very impressive stuff. :cool:
