well, i talked to darren the other day, and i think the plan is to camp at barne's field on Friday and Saturday night.
I know Saturday is a definite if it is not doing the r word (edited per giggy's request) for hiking Tucks. I'm not sure about Sunday (at least for us).
if the weather is TERRIBLE, I personally will not be doing anything other than maybe shopping for new boots and some crampons. The soles of my hiking boots are completely split in half (i didn't notice till this weekend), they are no longer waterproof, and i need to upgrade from my four point step-ins.
If it "does the r word", I doubt darren will want to go and bring all his camara gear, so it could possibly be a no-go, but i don't want to speak for him, because he can do whatever he wants to do.
Does that help? we usually just plan to take friday off, go prepared for anything, then wing it from there.