Tully Trail day hike - anyone interested?


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While searching for new places to explore, I recently learned of the Tully Trail. It's an 18 mile loop in the North Quabbin region of MA in the towns Athol, Orange, Royalston and Warwick. I've seen bits of it but didn't know they were all connected.

The below link has a link to a topo map in pdf format. It's the 11 x 17 version for the trail. It doesn't look too difficult. The map shows several scenic vistas. There are also three sizeable waterfalls on or near the trail, Doane's Falls, Spirit Falls, and Royalston Falls.


Anyone interested in doing this as a day hike? It could be a conditioning hike to prep for the lofty heights of Monadnock in October!
I'm interested but it depends on when you were thinking of going. My schedule is getting pretty full for August & September, but if the scheduling doesn't conflict, I wouldn't mind spending a day on a hike that's so close to home!

- Ivy
It could work for me depending on the date. I am only 10-15min from Tully dam. Are you thinking of the whole loop or just part of it?
I'm thinking the whole loop for a day hike. I'm flexible on dates, but was thinking September or October. I'd want to avoid the date of the Monadnock hike.

Has anyone seen much of it? I've seen only near Doane's Falls and Tully Mountain.
I did half of the trail a few years ago. It was pretty good. I'd recommend staying at the Tully Lake campground which is very nice -especially sites on the water. The section that coincides with the utility lines was as you might guess very overgrown ... hard to maintain trails in such a section with so much sun ... bring gaiters or long pants. The section near Royalston falls was a bit tricky - I got a bit confused at the intersection with the MM trail but you may not have that problem.

Have fun.
Royalston Falls is very nice, further up Falls Brook (north on the M&M) there are some interesting rock formations. The over looks of Long Pond are very nice.

I have not done any hiking on the west side of rt. 32. I might hit Tully Mt in the next week or two. I always thought it looked like an interesting peak.
If memory serves, there are some nice views from Tully Mt. I'll try to get to some of the trail in the over the next few weeks.

There's enough road crossings that we could shuttle a car to one that's at the halfway point to hold lunches, water, etc.

What does everyone think of picking a Saturday or Sunday from the weekend of either 9/25 or 10/2?
I've done the entire thing in 2 trips. It was very poorly signed at the time, so we spent a lot of time wandering up people's driveways and down logging roads. There are quite a few ups and downs, pretty ambitious to do the whole thing in one day.
The only part that was no fun is a section of roadwalk from Butterworth Road to the turnoff towards Tully Mt. The road is winding and has very little shoulder room for walkers.

I don't know if they've actually developed the trail as it's drawn.
A year or two ago, going counter clockwise, we had to walk about a mile south on Bliss Hill Road and then take an ATV trail for a few miles before getting back into the woods near Bliss Hill.

The Fish Creek area north of Butterworth Rd and from Tully Mt. back to the Newton cemetery are really nice, as is almost all of the eastern half.

I'd be interested, October being best. A lot of the Tully watershed is wet even in a dry season. There's a wonderful variety of terrain and nature to observe.
What does everyone think of picking a Saturday or Sunday from the weekend of either 9/25 or 10/2?

Since no one else has chimed in yet, those two weekends aren't great for me... but if they're good for everyone else I'll just have to skip the trip this time. I could make it on Sunday, Sept. 26... but I'm sure for a longer hike a Saturday would be preferable for most.

-- Ivy
I was thinking of starting from the Tully Lake side, then going clockwise. If the topo map of the trail is accurate, this would get the bigger hills out of the way in the morning. We could stash a car at or near the cemetary further north on 32 with lunches, water, etc. so that we can carry less weight. Also, if someone gets injured or needs to stop, that would give us a way to shuttle them back to Tully Lake.

I plan to start exploring some of it before hand. For people who've hiked in this area: Are there any areas that especially need some scouting or marking in order to avoid wandering?

Since nobody voted for the weekends of 9/26 or 10/3, that leaves the weekends of the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st in October. Columbus Day falls on the 12th. I'm flexible as to Saturday or Sunday. I'll need to avoid the date of the VFTT Monadnock hike, which is in October but not yet scheduled.
Did Tully Mt. today with the kids via Mountain Rd. The trail in this area was very easy to follow. I also checked on some of the road crossing and walks. Along Roylston Rd (right by the dam/sawmill) the trail blazes were easy to follow into the woods. The southern crossing of Bliss Rd I found but the trail heading south toward Tully Mt. I didn't see any blazes except by the rd.

The northern crossing according to the map isn't there. The M&M crosses but as Audrey mentioned the Tully Trail does not cross but goes along Bliss Rd for a bit. I didn't notice were it went back into the woods. The road walk between Tully Mt and Butterworth Rd. would not be fun. Very narrow, curvy and the cars I noticed were going at a good clip.

The other road crossing (Doannes Hill, Rt. 68 and by Newtons cemetery) are all easy to find and well marked.

I might hike into Roylston Falls tommorrow from Greenswood Rd. I am hoping the water is flowing good from all the rain we had.
Brian, when you reach the beaver pond some way in where the trail crosses at the outlet, and there are beaver trails on both sides of the trail, pause a while and scout the shore. On 2 occasions last year we had the privilege of up close and personal encounters with a beaver that cruised right up to the outlet and demonstrated his slapping and chewing skills not 15 feet away. Scared the heck out of one of the dogs!
Tully Trail - Long 18 miles

I have done the whole thing several times, but in two sections. Audrey and I have done it, and I have led trips for my business - Ginger's Journeys. The section from Newton Cemetery South does follow down Bliss Road, and you have to watch carefully for the blazes. Coming off some ledges on Bliss Hill last spring, I must have started to follow some old blazes, and we ended up down at Shoemet Lake, where the trail used to go. We were able to go back up Bliss Hill Road and catch the trail going south where it crosses Bliss Hill Rd.

As Audrey mentioned, the road walk from Butterworth Road and Warwick Road is very narrow and not much fun. Originally, they had hoped to have it go across Butterworth Road and up to the base of Tully Mountain, but landowners wouldn't give permission.

I was just up at the Royalston Falls section last Saturday - even after all the rain, the falls were nice but not spectacular. We parked at Newton Cemetery. They have done a small trail relocation there, and it now crosses Falls Brook on a wooden bridge. ( A beautiful new shelter has been built up on the hill overlooking Falls Brook crossing.) Where it crosses Falls Brook the M and M trail goes north left (white blazes), and the Tully Trail goes right (South) yellow blazes.

I like some of the sections of the northern Tully, but the southern area is equally interesting. Under the power lines, we found bottle gentian in the fall.

Good luck with your plans!

Bog Orchis:) :) :)
Audrey, sorry to say but it looked to me at least that the beavers have left the area. I saw no recent signs of beaver and one of the beaver ponds is completly drained (would of been the 3rd in)

The rock formations in the area awesome, exspecially the arch. It might of just been my wild imagination but when I was at the falls at the furthest out overlook, when I looked down there seemed to be an old man's profile with a ferned beard.

The new shelter was impressive. Hopefully it will not get abused. Did the M&M trail originally cross where the shelter is now? I really thought it crossed on a rocky ford closer to the falls.

I would suggest maybe doing only half after the small scouting and info others have given. Maybe the east side of rt. 32?
More Tully info

Brian -
The new shelter was great. Originally, the M and M and Tully trail together crossed at a rocky ford much nearer to Royalston Falls. So, this is a new relocation and bridge.

We went north up to the Beaver Ponds. On close examination, just after the interesting rock formations, there was the beginning of a new beaver dam, and what appeared to be the beginning of a lodge. There wasn't any activity above that in their old area. I was with Audrey one day, and the beaver was swimming around with a stick in his mouth totally non-plussed by us looking at him! It will be interesting to see what happens.

I think that the Tully Trail is such a neat trail that it is better to do it in two sections and not rush through it. It has so many different types of habitats.

BogOrchis::D :D :D
I'd be quite interested in doing the whole trail in one day.......Sept 25, Oct 2 and 17 are not good for me.....

I think the car at one point for lunch and /or injuries is a good idea. I have a truck and will volunteer it for the half/way point.

Let's do this!!!:D
Okay, I admit being a wimp. The rain kept me inside catching up on chores instead of exploring as I'd planned to do.

I'm much more interested in doing the whole thing. With an early start and only a few big hills, I don't think 18 miles would seem rushed. If we can stash our lunches in a car at the halfway point, hiking should be that much easier too.

Since 10/17 has been vetoed, are there any votes for the weekend of 10/10 (Columbus day) or 10/24?
Midweek trailrun anyone??

Hey, I'm just throwing it out there and I'm sure some of you wish I would just throw it out!!

But I am wondering if anyone would like to join me for a midweek end to end on the Tully trail sometime after school gets back in session.

Carpooling would be cool if anyone is going through Albany.

Well, those are my thoughts! Any takers? :D