Tully Trail day hike - anyone interested?


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IceNsnow, thanks for reminding me that I have to go back to work in another week:(

As for a date, in sounds as long as its not the same as Monadnock I'll be there.
10/24 it is, unless the date conflicts with Monadnock.

Well-mannered pooches are fine by me, though mine will be sitting this one out. He's just two years old, and a giant breed, so I think 18 miles is too much. I've read that too much stress on the skeletal system at too young an age can result in bone and joint damage later in life, and shortened long bones if the growth plates close prematurely. I tend to be conservative with exercise in a young dog, in hopes of keeping them hiking & healthy as an older dog. Also, we're still working on good hiking manners. A group of people would probably be a bit much for him.

To my knowledge, none of the areas we'll be in are zoned dogless. If anyone objects to a furry Tully Trail thru-hike mascot, please make a post. Personally, I would like to meet a Karelian Bear Dog. I've read a little about them, but have never met one.

Anyone who wants to participate in only one half or the other is welcome to come along. Since we'll have a car at the halfway point, shuttling someone back to their car would be easy.

Could anyone who is interested please send me a PM? I'll start making a list of participants and we can discuss specific plans off the thread.

Thanks all!
Dogs are being allowed on this hike, provided they bring a hiker along.

Finally got around to walking a section this morning, from Doane Hill Rd to Rt 68 and back, see MA trail conditions. Very warm & humid but there were many places where my not-so-white-anymore dog could dunk himself in the water to cool off.

Going north from Doane Hill Rd. Tully now follows the bike path further north, then turns east off the bike trail onto a path then ascends along the north side of Spirit Falls to the top of a ridge. Spirit Falls was nice, a series of small cascades. The old trail followed switchbacks up to Jacob's ledges, then continued northward along a ridge, crossing Spirit Falls at the top. It was still easily followed. If you go up by Spirit Falls, watch for blazes where Tully turns north at the top. I missed the turn and popped out onto 68 at the Jacob's Hill parking area before I realized my error. Both trails were blazed yellow.

Thanks to bogorchis I googled "bottle gentian" to discover the identity of some purple flowers. As Brian W said, the route 68 crossing is well marked. The powerline section is better maintained than when cgarby saw it, less than 1/4 mile was very overgrown, but even that had a faint path. I was in shorts and got only a couple minor scratches, not enough to bleed. If it gets worse, it'd be possible to stay in the woods to either side. The boggy area had a variety of sparrows and warblers. Saw several deer, coyote scat, moose tracks, racoon tracks, and the elusive hiking pole holes. A lot of bicycle tracks, not many people tracks.
We all still on for 10/24?

I cannot do Monadnock so I am counting on this one.
My scout troop may want to do this trek in November so I guess I am on a fact finding mission as well.
Is the north end M&M shelter open all year round?
Tulley campgrounds are closed by the time they want to go.

I am coming up early Sunday morning as I now have to work on Sat. anyone need a lift from the boston area leave me a post or PM.
The shelter is open year round. It can't be more than a few years old, it's in good shape. I think it should be able to sleep 12 easily. The walls have some small gaps between boards but the roof looked weather proof. The open side is partially enclosed. If the weather was bad you could string a tarp across the opening for some extra protection.

The Trustees folks have also said there's no need for permits of any kind, nor is there any limit on group size. With that said, they did ask that hikers behave respectfully, as some of the trail passes over private land.

I walked part of the northwest quadrant Monday, I'll get it into trail conditions soon.
Yup, still on for 10/24. I plan to get an email out to the group in the next day or two to finalize plans.

Cantdog: Welcome aboard! Added you to the particants list today. We're up to 7 hikers + 1 dog and maybe another two dogs.

PoisonIvy: you're certainly welcome for either half, but the mileage may surprise you. Due to the smaller elevation changes and easy footing, I would consider this easier than Franconia Ridge via Falling Water & OBP, even though it's about a third longer. It'll be even easier since we can cut weight by leaving water & lunches at the halfway point. If you decide on only half, I'd recommend the second (east) half, it's far more scenic than what I've seen of the of the west half so far.