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strong ankles through sneakers

When I hurt my ankle a few years ago, after two weeks I went to the doctor and he told me to keep moving. It took 3 months before I could hike up Monadnock.

I decided instead of getting stiff, ankle supporting boots I would get low super flexable sneakers. My idea was to make my foot as strong and supple as I could, and its working. Instead of climbing to the top of Monadnock or Wachusett on my training hikes I started to go horizontal and concencentrate on challenging foot placement on rocks rather than speed. I have lost some aerobic capacity ( didn't have much to begin with ), but my feet and ankles are more flexible and stronger than they have been my whole life.

An example of the change would be the steep slab of rock above the fan on huntington ravine trail. First two times I climbed it I was scared and nervous I would slip and fall. Three years of training with my sneakers I went back and climbed that section like a joke.

When I roll my ankle now its no big deal because when I train my ankle is in that position alot. I'm always trying to see how steep of an angle I can get on a rock, and if I slip no big deal because of the flex of my sneaker I always maintain some contact with the sole, not like a stiff boot where you catch an edge.
Meo, I looked at this thread for the first time today(I thought it was about the Beatles :) ) and I had a real bad sprain about 8 years ago. I was 40 at the time FWIW. I slipped on some ice and landed on my butt with my foot turned over beneath me. I'm stupid so I didn't even go to a doctor. I couldn't even support my weight on it for awhile so it was quite bad. I have a lot of books on PT so I did all of the exercises. The exercises helped a lot but the best thing that worked for me was cycling. I have always ridden year round and cycling was the only serious exercising I could do that winter that didn't aggravate the injury. It also allowed me to keep my aerobic fitness at a higher level. I think the motion and increased blood flow to the joint is very important in rehabilitation. I used an ankle brace every other day at work so my ankle would strengthen and not depend on the support. I was able to keep active through the process, but it was about 6 months before I felt comfortable mt bike racing again with the dismounts and running involved.
Weak-ankle vifters, here is a link to a well-crafted ankle brace my orthopedist (specialized in tennis and marathons) recommended me:

A bit expensive, but it seems to work well. I'll probably buy it and test it in the first weekend of december. If somebody's interested by the results and my comments, PM me.

Oh, and aside from Koflach, I'll take a look at the brand new Vasque Ice 9000. These boots seem almost perfect (double boot, Kevlar and Mylar instead of plain plastic for lightness, super-hot bootie, perfect for medium volume feet), but the price is sadly phenomenal too :eek: