Whites alternatives
Mongoose, the Speckled/Caribou area is beautiful, and you could do loops to the east or west while basing at the campsite on Rt. 116, including the Baldface loop (a really nice one!). If you're a biker, you might want to consider that the ride from Jefferson Notch to Appalachia or Dolly Copp area is a sleighride (fat tires only), and from Falling Waters parking to anywhere along Rt 4 including Gale River Rd, Zealand Rd, etc (skinny tires fine) is also a breeze, so that you could easily spend 2+ days hiking and have a great ride back to your car. Even a Presi traverse from Appalachia to Crawford works great with a bike return to Appalachia over Jefferson Notch (fat tires only!), or via Twin Mt on highways. Just a thought, in case you're multi-modal-friendly! -John